My ShukerNature blog is linked to the CFZ bloggo. So at the risk of blowing (or at least giving a little toot to) my own trumpet, this excellent ranking may have a little to do with the fact that for reasons which still mystify me and delight me in equal measures, since I posted on 12 June my ShukerNature blog post re my exposing as photoshopped fakes the black lion photos circulating online, that single post alone has notched up roughly 42,000 hits! Someone out there certainly likes black lion photos!
My ShukerNature blog is linked to the CFZ bloggo. So at the risk of blowing (or at least giving a little toot to) my own trumpet, this excellent ranking may have a little to do with the fact that for reasons which still mystify me and delight me in equal measures, since I posted on 12 June my ShukerNature blog post re my exposing as photoshopped fakes the black lion photos circulating online, that single post alone has notched up roughly 42,000 hits! Someone out there certainly likes black lion photos!