Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It is a great pity that I cannot bring paramilitaries of any shape, sort or form into this story, because all yesterday afternoon as we were driving around North Devon I was doing my best to work out how to get the headline 'Guerillas in the mist' onto the blog.

But for the life of me, I couldn't. (A Minor aside: If anyone can work out a credible way I can use this headline I will give them a little present)

The mist continues to shroud North Devon, and it is still more than a little spooky.

Graham and I had a jolly afternoon pricing stuff up for the last bit of work on the CFZ library, and I could not resist photographing him next to a B&Q advertising slogan which seemed to be remarkably appropriate...

1 comment:

  1. Gorillas in the mist - easy - many of the creaures we know today may eventually beccome cryptids themselves disappearing like gorillas in the mist.

    There ya go :)
