Tuesday, December 06, 2011



  1. Looks to me like a stray Saarlooswolfhond or a Czechoslovakian wolfdog. Or perhaps a Tamaskan.

    The first two are derived from crossing wolves with German shepherds and then selecting for those that were most dog-like in temperament and wolf-like in appearance. The last was created by breeding wolf-like domestic dogs together and selecting for a good temperament.

    It's more likely one of the first two.

    The ears on this animal are too large to be a pure wolf.

  2. While I think the creature being filmed rather badly, is probably a cross breed GSD, we should not be surprised to see wolves wandering the streets of London or other towns and cities. That is of course if a highly educated, well informed UNIVERSITY STUDENT here in Nottingham is to be believed.
    While delivering him to his home at 2am one winter morning, we saw about six creatures which I thought were foxes, but this genius informed me that they were Wolves, as there are NO foxes in Britain.

  3. There's a comment on the youtube video which links here http://mindcorp.co.uk/feedvault/?p=15031, which suggests that it's some kind of viral marketing for vodka. If normal adverts weren't irritating enough!
