Friday, December 02, 2011

RSPB: Chancellor attacks nature – step up to save it today!

Dear Supporter

Its official, the environment is a barrier to economic growth and jobs. Well it is if you listen to George Osborne who presented possibly the most environmentally hostile economic statement for a generation on Tuesday. His opinion contradicts that of his colleague Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary, who has said the natural environment underpins global economic performance.

The Chancellor seems to have little regard for sustainable development or the ‘green economy’, and even less for climate change. He wants to dismantle the environmental protections that have served our most precious wildlife sites well for nearly two decades.

The RSPB accepts the need for the UK Government to prioritise job creation. But we fear the current pursuit of short-term gains at the expense of the natural world, which ultimately sustains us, will result in a far greater cost both to wildlife and the economy.

Please step up for nature and write to your MP today.

Find out more on our website.

Thanks for your support

Martin Harper
Conservation Director

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