Sunday, December 18, 2011

DALE DRINNON: New from the Frontiers of Anthropology

In which the author airs some of his eccentric pet theories:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Maybe that blurb was a little weak, I thought I was being funny.

    How about "Dale Drinnon Voices His Opinion That There Really Was A Prior Period of Matriarchy, That it was on Atlantis: and it is because of that that the primary unit of measurement of length they used was a cloth yard of 36 inches and related to lengths of cordage and ropes, including some conventions of ropes, knots and sailor's terminology in use down to the current day; the reason for keeping records by quipus; and the reason for the use of the hundredweight as originally the unit for measuring gold in the ancient world as based on the average weight of a Priestess or Princess in the Atlantean Tradition"

    That does say the whole idea neatly enough, but I'll admit it is hardly a BRIEF summary.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.
