Monday, September 26, 2011

REDDERS REVIEWS GLEN - with impressive results

Several years ago the British-based Centre for Fortean Zoology – one of the very few groups in the world dedicated to investigating strange creatures on a full-time basis – embarked upon an ambitious project. The idea was to publish a series of books on unusual and unknown animals reported throughout the length and breadth of Britain, on a county-by-county basis. And given that the nation has a lot of counties that means a lot of books!

Fortunately, the CFZ has proved to be fully up for the challenge and the group has now published a number of titles under the banner of The Mystery Animals of the British Isles, including books that cover the counties of Kent, the Western Isles, Northumberland and Tyneside. And I’m pleased to announce the CFZ has just released the latest in this on-going series. Written by Glen Vaudrey, it covers the Northern Isles, which can be found north of mainland Scotland.

Read on...

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