Sunday, July 31, 2011


The following heart warming item appeared in The Guardian on July 28th 2011

Pet Goldfish found alive after earthquake

“Two goldfish left behind during the earthquake in Christchurch that killed 181 people in February, have been found alive after four and a half months trapped in their tank without food or power for their filter. The fish were on display in the reseption area of Quantum accountants in the downtown area, which was made off-limits after the quake. Company director Vicky Thornley, who has given them to her son, said she was sure they would be dead when she was finally allowed back into the building. The fact that three of their companions had disappeared may be a clue to their survival. (1)

1. The Guardian July 28th 2011

QUERY: Has anyone ever experienced a phobia about butterflies,or heard of one? I would be interested to know

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