Saturday, June 11, 2011

Yesterday's News Today

Oliver is away at the LAPIS Conference, at which he will be videoing bits and bobs for CFZtv as well as speaking himself. He has left some bits and bobs for us, and today's reads:

On this day in 1819 the author Charles Kingsley was born. Kingsley lived in just down the road from the CFZ, in Clovelly, for a few years during his childhood and ever since the North Devon tourist industry has seen him as one of their sacred cows along with seafaring also-ran Lord Grenville and Tarka the Otter (the animal from which 9 out of 10 Barnstaple locations and businesses derive their name).

English names wanted for 10 species

Downing Street cat makes first kill
Forecasting Turtles- Climate appears to play key role in determining sea turtle numbers
Nesting turtles give clues on oil spill's impact

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