Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Lifeline for countryside wildlife under threat!

Dear Supporter

The RSPB has learned that funding for wildlife-friendly farming could be scrapped as part of the upcoming European Budget. If this happens many of the UK’s most threatened farmland birds will face an even more uncertain future, possibly even extinction.

The funding under threat rewards farmers for working in ways that benefit wildlife and the environment – including encouraging birds to live and breed on their land. Scrapping it will remove the lifeline on which many of our most-loved species depend and will risk decades of effort, which has already helped save many species from the brink.

Our countryside has faced many threats, but this would be really savage: we’re staggered. Rewarding farmers for protecting threatened wildlife has provided a lifeline to many sensitive species, which would otherwise have ebbed away. If the EU continues with this plan, there is no doubt that wildlife will suffer, with the possible ultimate UK extinction of some threatened species, including the turtle dove and cirl bunting.

This proposal is being considered by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. We are all European taxpayers and right now we have an opportunity to tell him that we want our money spent in ways that help create a countryside rich in wildlife.

Please step up and call on President Barroso to save this vital lifeline for wildlife!

Take part in our quick and easy online action to send President Barroso an e-mail. We only have until 29 June to make our voices heard!

Thank you very much for your support.

Yours sincerely

Martin Harper
Conservation Director

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