Thursday, June 30, 2011

CRYPTOLINKS: Hunting Wildmen in the Pyrenees

Spain: Searching for Bigfoot in the Aragonese Pyrenees – The First Expedition By Javier Resines, Criptozoología en España

Since time immemorial there has been speculation surrounding the existence of "wild men" in certain isolated of the Pyrenees where access is difficult. This likelihood has regained currency following the information supplied by recent expeditions made in to the region of Bielsa, Huesca (Spain).

Read on


Oliver has found what looks like another yolk sack in the caecilian tank. Have we got another baby? If so, it is hiding but there are plenty of places to hide.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1997 the actor Robert Mitchum died. Mitchum played Raymond Chandler's genre-defining private eye Philip Marlowe in two 1970s films: Murder My Sweet and The Big Sleep. These were, of course, remakes and not as famous as the original versions but unhindered by the Hays Code were truer to the source material. Mitchum also stared in Scrooged, a modern (or it was at the time) take on A Christmas Carol staring Bill Murray.
And now the news:

Runaway cow herd takes over Tredegar street
Underwater landslide likely cause of 'mild tsunami...
Al-Sayed al-Essawy, Egyptian 'Gladiator,' Fights L...
Turtle washed up on Cornish beach has a scan after...
Happy orangutans live longer in zoos
Border collie sniffs out noxious weeds on Missoula...
Inflatable Shark Among 300 New Species Discovered ...
Coelacanth slowly reveals its secrets
Snake sanctuary owner Luke Yeomans dies from cobra...
Tiny Chihuahua shows talent for herding sheep

You know that feeling you get when you suspect the trailer might be better than the actual movie... well, you will after watching this:


Paralysed cat takes swimming lessons

Mog the cat survived Cornwall's floods last year but was hit by a car. Now he's learning to swim, in the hope that it will help him walk again.
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GLEN VAUDREY: Trail Cameras for Sumatra Part 8

Sadly, today marks the end of the trail cam funding campaign for the expedition to Sumatra.

Many thanks to those who have so far donated; your contributions are very welcome and much appreciated. If you haven’t yet donated and you want to there is still a bit of time left; just about 11 hours so you will have to be quick.

Just to recap, to sponsor a trail cam will cost £100. If that seems a little steep why not get a group together? A group of five will pay just £20 each. Sponsors will get an update on any pictures and when something exciting is spotted your name will go up in lights alongside the photo.

Don’t despair: if you miss out on Trevor, he has plenty of friends who also need help in breaking free.

Your sponsorship will pay for the release and upkeep of Trevor and kin, but sadly you will have no rights to take him home.

Now doesn’t that sound like a good deal? Armchair cryptozoology at its best. All the fun of an expedition without being bitten by scary tropical insects.

If you like the sound of this then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

For further information you can contact me at

Donations can be made via PayPal to

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grand Canyon River Trip with emphasis on Natural History/Herps (Via Herp Digest)

Attendees of the upcoming Biology of the Rattlesnakes symposium in Tucson may want to consider tagging on a once in a lifetime river trip through Grand Canyon. Andrew Holycross has a commercial trip booked 13-19 JULY through Grand Canyon Whitewater outfitters. This 7 day/7 night trip will take you from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek... over 225 miles through most of the length of Grand Canyon. Although the temperatures are toasty, the season is perfect for maximizing opportunities to see Grand Canyon Rattlesnakes, Speckled Rattlesnakes, and other herpetological denizens of Grand Canyon. The river company provides sleeping bags, tents, cots, meals, etc. The cost is $1599... and trips of this length usually cost about $2400.

If you are interested, please contact Andrew Holycross AS SOON AS POSSIBLE at


This month's OTT is going to be a few days late, mainly because Corinna isn't coming back until tonight, and tomorrow we have a little party to celebrate the Downes family being 40 years in Woolsery. So expect it sometime over the weekend....

FORTEAN: Richard Freeman found this story which should stand as an object lesson for us all.

A notorious witch whose monument has attracted visitors to Perthshire for two centuries probably never existed, according to a local historian.

The Maggie Wall monument, near the village of Dunning, supposedly commemorates the death of Maggie Wall, who was burned at the stake in 1657.

It has drawn a steady flow of visitors from all over the world, including Moors murderers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, who came to Scotland on holiday in September 1965 after they had killed four children.

Read on...

RICHARD MUIRHEAD: Weird Wildlife Crisps


To save myself from starvation in the coming apocalypse,
I have decided on a wreckless and exciting venture
into the culinary unknown:
`Weird Wildlife Crisps`.
To test how well my new range of flavours is
doing I saunter into the nearest bar
like the macho man I am not.
“I say old bean, may I try some porcupine
and bat flavour crisps?”
“Er, what….?” But I interrupt,
“ Well how about octopus and
cucumber?” The bar man
stutters and goes red,
“OK I`ll settle for rabbit
and weasel” I try and
help. He turns and I
observe his fingers
dialing the local psychiatric
hospital number and I
turn and run as I have done
so many times before.

© Richard Muirhead

FANTASTIC NEWS: Breeding success

As regular visitors either to this blog or to the CFZ itself will know, two years ago we acquired eight very young specimens of an undescribed species of cichlid - Aequidens spp - from Peru. We lost three of them in a power cut during the winter of 2009/2010 and another one a couple of months ago in a fight between the two largest specimens.

However, today, they have bred, and we have approximately 500 babies.

We will be happy to share them to any aquariums or private fishkeepers (especially those with experience of cichlids, and either a species tank or a collection of large cichlids)

We shall be studying the growth of these little fishes closely, as next to nothing is known about them...

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


DOUG SHOOP WRITES: It’s been an unusually cool and wet summer so far, putting our garden well behind schedule as compared to last year. However, the intrepid Triffid walking onions soldier on and have now reached approx 3 feet in height.

There’s no stopping them!

In the meantime, ours are doing OK, but are not reaching anywhere near the size of their American counterparts. Maybe they miss US soil...

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JAN EDWARDS: When snails attack

What happened in New Zealand to make snails evolve to do THIS????
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CRYPTOLINKS: The Return of the Boggy Creek Monster?

I received the following correspondence on Thursday in reference to an encounter that occurred east of Texarkana, Arkansas. The sister of the witness (who lives in Florida) forwarded the account. (The writer asked that I edit for spelling if I published):

Hello Sir - My brother and his wife had a shocking event on May 5th, 2011, when they were driving home to Genoa, Arkansas, from a visit with his in-laws in Texarkana. He was driving east-bound on Tennessee Rd (County Rd. 16) at around 7:30 pm and had just gone by Mosely Rd when a creature suddenly jumped out of the trees and brush, crossed the road and blended into the thick woods. It was headed in the direction of Old Bitty Lake.

Read on...
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MICHAEL NEWTON: Gigantopithecus in the flesh? Nah!

YouTube footage of alleged Gigantopithecus in the flesh:

On balance, I think I prefer the companion feature: "Polish Yeti spying on bikini girl." Hubba-hubba.

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OLL LEWIS: John Palmer 'Crocodile' sighting: Sat 25/06/2011

John Palmer (35), his wife Natalie (29) and their son Caleb (5) were on a family outing to Sharp Ness Canal in Gloucestershire on a warm but overcast Saturday, 25th June, when they saw something very unusual.

Their son had misheard the name of the canal and thinking he was visiting a place called Shark Ness, was eagerly pointing out what he thought may be shark fins to his parents. Thinking it to be just the imagination of a child at play, they didn’t pay it too much mind until around half past 12 when Caleb said:

“Daddy, it’s a crocodile.”

John looked over to where his son was pointing to humour him not really expecting to see anything out of the ordinary but sure enough, Caleb was right! There was a crocodile basking on the top of the water. John Palmer estimated the creatures length to be between 4 ½ and 5 feet long and Natalie estimates the creature was 6 feet in length. The head was estimated to be about 10 inches in width.

Although some sightings of crocodiles made in Britain are misidentified pike, which have similar colouration and share the crocodile’s habit of basking at or near to the surface of the water during warm days, John is adamant that the creature he saw was not a pike not only because he was able to see the animal’s feet, head and bumpy back clearly, but also because he has fished in the canal for 20 years and knows exactly what a pike looks like. When the creature swam off and submerged it did so in a manner that reminded John of the way newts swim rather than any fish.

John was quite concerned as he had seen the creature very near to the rowing club so he reported his sighting to the skipper there who informed John that it was not the first time this creature had been seen in the vicinity and that a similar beast had also been seen by a gate keeper further up the canal. Several years ago a bridge keeper named Richard Lacey saw a crocodile near Steller’s Bridge. This may be the sighting the skipper alluded to, which was investigated by Andy Stephens on behalf of the CFZ. Andy’s investigation can be found here:
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OLL LEWIS: The Caecilian Mafia Adds To Its Ranks

If you were reading the blog yesterday you probably read about the stillborn caecilian I found yesterday. Well, as I predicted in that blog there is a part two to that story and this time it has a much happier ending.

This morning (which I should mention is Sunday morning as you’ll be reading this at a later date than the one I’m writing it on) Helios Seven and I were doing the animal round when I decided to check the caecilian tank to see if there were any more babies present in addition to the stillborn one I found yesterday. Sure enough, I spied a discarded yolk sack dangling from a plant.

This meant that there was definitely at least one more baby caecilian in the tank now and that it had been born alive in order for it to remove the yolk sack; indeed, it was very likely it would still be alive now and having got through the first difficult hours, be likely to live a long a fruitful life.

“Well,” I said to Seven, “It looks like I have managed to get caecilians to successfully breed, what do you think about that?”
“Mew.” Replied the cat in an uninterested manner as the comment hadn’t mentioned anything about feeding her.

I then looked out a faunarium (other fauna boxes are available) and put some warm water in it from the tank and looked for the baby so that I could put it in the small plastic tank for a few minutes to inspect and photograph it. And, yes: there it was.

I then showed Jon our new arrival, and he was considerably more impressed than the cat and is a happy bunny indeed. There is also the possibility that there are still yet more babies on the way as the female still looks like she may have more babies inside her. As caecilians are no longer imported for the pet trade the more that are captive-bred in the UK the better as their keepers will be able to exchange some offspring with other keepers to improve genetic diversity and stop captive populations turning into feeble and deformed specimens from in-breeding. Of course with only one baby at present we are a long way off from being able to do any swaps to improve future genetic diversity of captive caecilians but hopefully in the future this will be a possibility.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

CRYPTOLINKS: The 'Place of Many Dead' - Devil's Lake, Wisconsin

Devil's Lake of Wisconsin has its share of geological oddities such as glacier scratches on unusual rock formations and petrified sand waves of an ancient sea, but it is the Amerindian mounds that are especially interesting. Three major effigy mounds are located in Devil's Lake State Park. One in the shape of a bear and another, which resembles a lynx, are at the north end of the lake. A bird-shaped mound is at the southern end. Did the moundbuilders wish to acknowledge real animals or phantom creature forms that haunted the shores of Devil's Lake?

Read on...

Breeding Panamanian Golden Frogs

Breeding Panamanian Golden Frogs at the Smithsonian's National Zoo

Video of Smithsonian's National Zoo biologist Matt Evans talks about what it's like to care for Panama's national animal. June 23. Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project

LINDSAY SELBY: How easy is it to fake something?

After all this talk about fake stuff to do with bigfoot,I am not going to go into the debate about the face print, footprints etc, I decided to see how easy it is to fake a photo. I took a photo I had taken at Loch Ness in 2000 and added a couple of humps. I have deliberately posted the photo so you can see it has been scanned in so no one tries to use it.

By sticking the humps on a shadow in the water that was already in the photo,I was amazed how real it could have looked if scanned again and especially if turned into black and white. So It is that easy. But the question still remains -why would anyone deliberately mislead people by doing that? To a genuine researcher, this sort of fraud is just beyond comprehension , and means it makes the cryptid a joke, so that very few scientists will get involved in any attempt at serious study.

Modern technology makes it too easy, even a know nothing about photography like myself, can do it.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1898 Joshua Slocum completed the first solo navigation of the world.
And now the news:

Big Dinos Stayed Cool
55-Foot Beached Chinese 'Sea Monster' Identified
Tanzania Government ditches Serengeti Highway
$50,000 Reward For Locating Live Ivory-billed Wood...

Ah, Captain Beaky & his band (not forgetting hissing Sid!!!) time...
Fascinating fact: Evil dictator and all round nut-job His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Uncrowned King of Scotland, Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular was so obsessed with Captain Beaky & his band (not forgetting hissing Sid!!!) that he had a special Captain Beaky & his band (not forgetting hissing Sid!!!) lunch box made to keep his haggis sandwiches in. Of course, because he was a wee bit round the twist he decided at the last minute that the lunch box should be the size of a bock of flats as only a red plastic Captain Beaky lunch box of that size would befit a man of his standing, he was furious when after it's construction the lunch box proved too heavy to move:


A very happy birthday to my little brother Richard - 48 today
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

CFZ PEOPLE: Carl and Sue

Congratulations to Carl Portman (star of last year's WW) and his new fiancee Sue on their engagement.
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[Which is the one based on Tony Lucas's NZ Cryptozoologist's blog]
[Discussing a Rex Gilroy website. I have also notified RG by email I was intending to run it - he has not replied as yet]
[A slightly-delayed copy of a news item about a partial-whale-corpse "Sea Monster" washing up on a China Beach] -and-

An item on the Frontiers of Anthropology blog concerning the Younger Dryas celestial body explosion/impact and associated megafloods across the continents. Odd thing: the "Scientific community" seems to have made up its collective mind the theory has no merit because of problems with the radiocarbon dates when there is an obvious problem with the event itself affecting such dates by altering the percentage of atmospheric carbon - and because they choose to ignore KNOWN evidence of "The largest meteorite shower known in history" happening at that particular juncture.
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The other evening, just as Naomi and Richie were leaving, there was a squeal from my study. It was Naomi - she had nearly trodden on a small toad, which had come in through the open office door and then scuttled (if toads scuttle) away to hide under the big cichlid tank.

Corinna eventually rescued it and put it back into the garden.
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OLL LEWIS: Caecilians Making Love in the Afternoon

As regular readers might know, one of my duties at the CFZ is looking after our menagerie of animals. For the most part this includes my morning rounds when I check on the animals and give them their morning feeds, or daily feeds should they only require fresh food to be administered to them once a day. Typically this takes somewhere between one and two hours each day depending on just how much attention the more intelligent animals like the rabbits and the pheasant want, and the health of the animals. I’m aided in this endeavour by my assistant Helios Seven, who, like most cats, believes that if she doesn’t remind me constantly I may forget to feed her for the first time ever in the five or so years I’ve known her.

Anyway, while I was checking on the caecilian tank on Saturday I noticed something unusual lying motionless atop the gravel.

“My, that’s a big worm.” I exclaimed.
“Mew,” said Helios in reply.

On closer inspection it was not a worm. It was a baby caecilian with its yolk sack still attached. Sadly, the creature was dead; probably a still birth. This is a great shame as the gestation period for Typhlonectes natans is long, typically taking over 270 days, and in the four years that we have had them this is the first time they have successfully bred. When checking the tank I could not find any evidence of more babies but as this species usually give birth to between two and six young, I am hopeful that they will give birth to more young and that they will not be stillborn.

Even if the caecilians do not give birth to any more young this time then at least the stillborn caecilian proves that they are finally breeding. This means that in the future there should be more baby caecilians popping up in our tank, which, as they are so rare in the UK, can only be a good thing.

CFZ 'PEOPLE': Good news

Prudence went back to the vet yesterday. After having made it impossible for her to steal catfood, and cutting down on her treats, she has lost 3kg. The vet thinks that her intermittent limp is probably a cruciate ligament tear, but says that if we continue to give her anti-inflammatories and do not allow her to rush about the garden too much (she only gets over the top when there are children or John Hanson to play with) then she will hopefully recover without surgery.

She goes back in a month.
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Our thoughts and prayers are with Doug Shoop who's cat Nigel died yesterday after seventeen and a half years by his side....
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CFZ CANADA: Why Are We Not Capturing More Cryptids?
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Last week while attending the monthly Fresno Filmmakers Alliance mixer, a friend of mine approached me and asked me if I knew of any thunderbird sightings in the Fresno area as his wife and young son had recently spotted a large bird-like creature with a wing span estimated to be more than 12 feet in width.

Read on...
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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 2008 Lyall Watson died. Watson wrote about many subjects, from biology to sumo wrestling, but it is his paranormal or Fortean books that he is most well known for, including 'Supernature' which is one of the best-selling Fortean books ever published. It is a fantastic read and if you have never read it before I suggest you do. Due to its popularity it is quite easy to get hold of at a reasonable price so you have no excuse. Supernature also inspired the title of Dr Karl Shuker's blog 'Shukernature' after I suggested the play on words as a title for a future project for Karl.

And now the news:

Snake Genome Suggests Treatments for Human Heart D...
Illegal Wildlife Traders Target Endemic Geckos (Vi...
Chinese village bites into snake business (Via He...
Bill Haast, a Man Charmed by Snakes, Dies at 100 (...
Hundreds of Tortoises Smuggled in Suitcases at Ban...
'Dog killed by Yowie'
Argentina: Residents Terrified by "Striking Imp"
Lost Scottish folk tales published online
Giant Gator Killed In Trinity River

Trinity/Trilogy... Close enough for me to post an Elvis song, but I prefer this one to American trilogy:
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Once I had the best band in southwest England; now I have a small boy, a bulldog and some glove puppets. Hey Ho!

For more details on the orang pendek expedition this autumn check out
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Discussing the "Many-Finned" Sea-serpent

On the supposedly oldest and only artistic depiction of a proboscidian in the New world> that is, once you have thrown away all of the other, older candidates.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011


Tim Stygall wrote to the Bug Club newslist:

Can anyone please tell me what this large moth is? It was resting or sunning itself on the doorstep in the middle of the day.

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The call of the weird: In praise of cryptobiologists

Scientists who search for obscure or supposedly extinct creatures are not getting the respect and recognition they deserve

LAST December an 8-second amateur video went viral. Shot in remote northern Tasmania, the blurry footage featured a long-tailed mammal trotting across a meadow with an oddly stilted gait. According to the film-maker, Murray McAllister, the animal was a Tasmanian tiger.

The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is a wolf-sized marsupial predator that has been presumed extinct since the last known specimen died in Hobart zoo in 1936. Yet despite its apparent demise, reports of Tassie tigers refuse to die. Hundreds of sightings, many from seemingly credible observers, have been recorded, both in Tasmania and on the mainland.

Read on
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Commonly called the Mongolian death worm, the Olgoi-Khorkhoi reportedly can reach up to lengths of 4 feet, is dark red in color, and spends much of its time buried beneath the desert sands. Yet its most notorious attribute is its apparent ability to kill at a distance. When threatened, the Olgoi-Khorkhoi spits a highly corrosive poison at its attacker, which is said to kill almost instantly. It is also said that the Olgoi-Khorkhoi can deliver an electric shock capable of killing animals as large as a camel! It's obvious why locals avoid one when it's encountered.
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On this day in 1947 Kenneth Arnold saw an unidentified flying object. Based on his description the term 'Flying Saucer' was coined.
And now the news:

Breakdancing gorilla becomes sensation
Early human fossils unearthed in Ukraine
Coyote runs into home
Help wanted for Bigfoot DNA
Yeti skin auction
Loch Ness monster sighting
China sea monster

Oliver returns later today....
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I see that the 2012 conference of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts has the theme 'The Monstrous Fantastic.' It will be interesting to see if any cryptozoological subjects in fiction are discussed at next year's conference.

More details:
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Lifeline for countryside wildlife under threat!

Dear Supporter

The RSPB has learned that funding for wildlife-friendly farming could be scrapped as part of the upcoming European Budget. If this happens many of the UK’s most threatened farmland birds will face an even more uncertain future, possibly even extinction.

The funding under threat rewards farmers for working in ways that benefit wildlife and the environment – including encouraging birds to live and breed on their land. Scrapping it will remove the lifeline on which many of our most-loved species depend and will risk decades of effort, which has already helped save many species from the brink.

Our countryside has faced many threats, but this would be really savage: we’re staggered. Rewarding farmers for protecting threatened wildlife has provided a lifeline to many sensitive species, which would otherwise have ebbed away. If the EU continues with this plan, there is no doubt that wildlife will suffer, with the possible ultimate UK extinction of some threatened species, including the turtle dove and cirl bunting.

This proposal is being considered by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. We are all European taxpayers and right now we have an opportunity to tell him that we want our money spent in ways that help create a countryside rich in wildlife.

Please step up and call on President Barroso to save this vital lifeline for wildlife!

Take part in our quick and easy online action to send President Barroso an e-mail. We only have until 29 June to make our voices heard!

Thank you very much for your support.

Yours sincerely

Martin Harper
Conservation Director

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"Thylacine" on the album "The Opium Wars or Love in Lieu of Laudanum" (2009) by Joy Shannon and the Beauty Marks. Joy's love song to the extinct marsupial wolf.
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HAUNTED SKIES: A meeting with Roger Willey...

... who back in 1967 saw the 'flying cross' UFO in the skies over Devon...
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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

Once again Oliver is absent, this time at a funeral, but he left us some fascinating facts, such as
that on this day in 1912 Alan Turing was born. Turing helped to win World War 2 for the British by inventing the electronic computer to decode the German enigma codes. He was 'rewarded' with chemical castration, which led to him to commit suicide with a poisoned apple.

In 2009 Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued an official apology for Turing's treatment.

And now the news:

Earliest mammoth image
Solving mysterious animal deaths
T. rex's arms helped them stand up
No cull of Welsh badgers
Cat steals from everyone in neighbourhood
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GLEN VAUDREY: Trail Cameras for Sumatra Part 7

Like all good things this trail-cam funding campaign is coming to an end: the final day for donations will be 30 June 2011.

Many thanks to those who have so far donated; your contributions are very welcome and much appreciated. If you haven’t yet donated but want to there is still a bit of time left.

Just to recap: to sponsor a trail cam will cost £100. If that seems a little steep why not get a group together to sponsor one? A group of five will pay just £20 each. Sponsors will get an update on any pictures and when something exciting is spotted your name will go up in lights alongside the photo.

Don’t despair if you miss out on Trevor; he has plenty of friends who also need help in breaking free.

Your sponsorship will pay for the release and upkeep of Trevor and kin, but sadly you will have no rights to take him home.

Now doesn’t that sound like a good deal? Armchair cryptozoology at its best. All the fun of an expedition without being bitten by scary tropical insects.

If you like the sound of this then please get in touch; we would love to hear from you. For further information you can contact me at

Donations can be made via PayPal to

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ARCHIVING PROJECT: General Forteana Part 46

As you know, Oll has been working on the archiving project since early February 2009 and he is now working on a general mish-mash of a section known as `General Forteana`.

This 46th collection once again really is completely uncategoriseable stuff, including killer spiders in Japan, a motorway death plunge, rhino attack, whale suicides, whale shark/diver interaction, animal organ donors, caterpillar plague, the medical uses of crab excrement, and Scottish sperm whale strandings. Good stuff.

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Journal of Herpetology 44(4): 618-626

David A. Patrick, Christopher M. Schalk, James P. Gibbs & Hara W. Woltz

Abstract: Efficient deployment of culverts to mitigate mortality of amphibians on roadways requires identification of locations within road networks where animals cross (hotspots), points within identified hotspots for culvert placement, and attributes of culverts that make them behaviorally palatable to migrating individuals. In this study, we assessed road crossing frequency of Spotted Salamanders, Ambystoma maculatum, and American Toads, Anaxyrus americanus, along a 700-m transect within a known crossing hotspot, and related these distributions to habitat variables within the hotspot including the presence of existing culverts. We also placed experimental arrays of culverts of varying attributes in the path of migrating Spotted Salamanders to examine culvert preference by salamanders under typical movement environments and appropriate animal behavioral states. Our studies of patterns of road occurrence demonstrated that both species avoided crossing where there was a wetl!
and within 15 m of the downslope of the road and that neither species showed a strong preference for crossing near existing culverts. When considering the choice for experimental culverts by Spotted Salamanders, we found no preference for culverts of varying aperture size, length, or substrate. Our results indicate that patterns of occurrences of the two species of amphibian within a crossing hotspot may be linked to the physical attributes at the site. For Spotted Salamanders in particular, predicting where they will cross within a hotspot may not be easy. Spotted Salamanders showed little preference for culverts of different design, indicating that a variety of culvert designs can suffice for mitigation if placed in appropriate locations.


A pdf of this article is available from the CNAH PDF Library at
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GERALD SMITH: Tiny Froglets in North Devon

There were DOZENS of these chaps on the path near a pond in the Trew forest last week. Fingernail size.
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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1856 the author H. Rider Haggard was born. Haggard is best known for his adventure novels like King Solomon's Mines which introduced the world to his character Allan Quatermain and the 'Lost World' fiction genre.
And now the news:

Why Cleaner fish punish their partners for putting...
Dingy skipper puts in rare appearance in Worcester...
Emperor penguin appears on New Zealand beach
Scotland's 'bizarre' seal plans under fire
RSPB wildlife warning over EU farmland funding
Bats' hairs are 'airspeed sensor'

Shine on:
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DAVEY CURTIS: Now this is getting ridiculous! The shenanigans go on.

Dear Jon,

Who is this little devil? (no pun intended) Owl man? Beelzebub? Or the Genie of the lamp!

You may think I spend hours in front of my lava lamp waiting for things to appear but honestly Jon I simply switch the thing on and another imp from the never-world turns up!

You don't know a good exorcist do you?


Davey C
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MICHAEL NEWTON: Not-So-Weird Wisconsin?

In Unnatural Phenomena, his exhaustive collection of Fortean clips from 19th-century American newspapers, Jerome Clark produced the following item from the Janesville Free Press, reprinted in the Alton (Illinois) Weekly Courier of 18 March 1853. The date of the original remains unclear. It read:

A singular reptile or fish was caught here a few days since, and is now in a glass jar before us. It has a skin like a catfish, a head and tail like an eel. The gills are on the outside of the neck, and it has four legs like a lizard, terminating in a miniature human hand. It is about fifteen inches long and was taken with a hook. No one here has ever seen a creature like it, though [naturalist Zadock] Thompson in his book of Vermont, describes a similar one, caught at Colchester, near Burlington.

A third similar specimen appeared in July 1902, when the Milwaukee Journal (10 July) reported that William Wuertzberger, from Racine, had “dipped a curious fish” from Lake Michigan. As described in the article:

It has the head of a lizard and body of a fish, is fourteen inches long and two-and-a-half inches in diameter, of grayish color and with black spots. It has four feet, resembling those of a lizard, but much smaller and the tail of an eel. When placed in the water with other fish it emitted pills which dissolved and killed the other fish. There were no eyes. There are two small ears, an eighth of an inch in diameter, but when the fish became angry would extend over an inch.

In retrospect, it is difficult to understand why these creatures confused and astounded local residents—much less journalists with reference works at their fingertips. Both animals described sound very much like common mudpuppies or waterdogs, formally described in 1818 as Necturus maculosus. This salamander species inhabits most of the American Midwest, including Wisconsin, and claims a record length exceeding nineteen inches. Their range of coloration matches the descriptions, and mudpuppies retain their fanlike gills into adulthood, simulating external ears.

Only the lethal “pills” remain mysterious—unless we take them to be normal amphibian eggs released into water en masse. Female mudpuppies lay an average of sixty eggs per spawning, but may produce up to 190. That said, their reported dissolution in water and deadly effect on “other fish”—whatever those were—is unexplained.


1. A common mudpuppy or waterdog.
2. Close-up of the mudpuppy’s ear-like gills.
3. Salamander eggs.
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I have an account of Cockatrice Hall in Macclesfield and also a giant turtle in Mauritius in 1810, which may or may not be significant; I do not know.

The account of Cockatrice Hall is from Doug Pickford`s Macclesfield Mysterious and Macabre:

Hatched from a cockerel egg

'Just a little north of Pagan Wassail there used to be a building known as Cockatrice Hall. But information about this building is shrouded in mystery. Near to the former Town Mission ( which later became the Lorimar Studios and then, more recently, a nightclub) was, it is believed, an estate known as Cockatrice Estate.

It was mentioned in a deed dated 29 April 1754, when the estate and other considerations went to Joseph Hobson of Macclesfield and others in trust. Mr Hobson was a member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers.

Cockatrice is the name given to a fabulous serpent hatched from a cock`s egg. Little or nothing else is known about the building, or why it should have been given such a mysterious name - a pagan mythical beast`s hall almost adjoining a pagan site for drinking and fornication! Likewise, little or nothing is known about who was responsible for building it, or when….' (1)

A Giant Turtle

When Mauritius was ceded to Great Britain in 1810 there was a gigantic turtle in a court at the artillery barracks at Port Louis which is still there, although almost blind. It weighs 330 pounds, and stands two feet high when walking. Its shell is 81/2feet long, and it can carry two men on its back with ease. (2)

1 D.Pickford Macclesfield Mysterious and Macabre (2002) p. 29
2 Hopkinsville Kentuckian 29 Dec 1903
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Sunday, June 19, 2011


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Hi and ho,

Remember the carcass on the Danish beach a few days ago?? Well, thanks to a bit of sleuthing and some eager locals, we managed to locate the thing again, and after a lot of digging in very smelly remains - lo and behold - a skull was found. It turned out the critter was a very dead fox!! Have told everybody involved to remember to include some scale or something in future photographs!!

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GLEN VAUDREY: Whole Wide World #17

Another day, another country, and this time we are in Nicaragua, and what random facts do I know about this country? Well, it has a seventeenth-century fortress going by the name Castillo de la Concepción or Fortress of the Immaculate Conception, which does conjure up the image of a fearsome convent for some dark reason. Away from the random names what else can be found in Nicaragua? Well, there is the Xipe.

Yet another mystery hominid, the Xipe, with a name that can be interpreted as either ‘the flayed one’ or ‘he with the penis.' It is perhaps surprising given the names that the Xipe isn’t a horrific walking cadaver or a flasher but a cave-dwelling monkey around 2-4 feet high, covered in hair and sharing the tradition of many mystery apemen in that it has feet that face backwards. It has been recorded that in 1968 a group of Nicaraguan peasants tracked a Xipe to its cave lair and killed it by asphyxiation having set a fire of brushwood outside the cave and letting it do the dirty work. Once again there were no remains preserved or photos taken.
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Following on from yesterday's 'Phylogeny Challenge' video, here is another from the same source...

Creating a Successful Citizen Science Model to Detect and Report Invasive Species (Via Herp Digest)

JON: Although this is a Botanical paper, I thought that it was an interesting concept that could be adapted for animals...

Creating a Successful Citizen Science Model to Detect and Report Invasive Species by Travis Gallo and Damon Waitt BioScience 61(6):459-465. 2011 

Travis Gallo ( is an ecologist, and Damon Waitt ( is the senior botanist, at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Damon Waitt is also the founder, creator, and current program director of the Invaders of Texas program. Travis Gallo is the program coordinator and runs the day-to-day operations of the program.

The Invaders of Texas program is a successful citizen science program in which volunteers survey and monitor invasive plants throughout Texas. Invasive plants are being introduced at alarming rates, and our limited knowledge about their distribution is a major cause for concern. The Invaders of Texas program trains citizen scientists to detect the arrival and dispersal of invasive plants in their local areas and to report them into an online, statewide mapping database. In order to test the value of citizen scientists' data, we compared Invaders of Texas citizen scientists' observations of Arando donax (giant reed) with previously recorded A. donax observations in Texas and found an increase in the reed's overall distribution. A comparison with observations from the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England, a similar citizen science program, confirmed that, given proper training, citizen scientists are able to detect and report invasive plants in their local areas, and the data they collect can be used by professional scientists.
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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1952 the actor John Goodman was born. Goodman is best known for his roles in the Coen Brothers' films Raising Arizona, Barton Fink and The Big Lebowski.
And now the news:

Bald eagle dropped a fawn on a powerline
6-foot python found atop garbage truck in Ohio
Boa Constrictor: Not an Enthusiastic Camping Buddy...
Legless in Seattle

Greedy Snake is greedy:
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Saturday, June 18, 2011

GLEN VAUDREY: Whole Wide World #16

16. Costa Rica

Today we find ourselves in Costa Rica, a country that that has done something more countries should consider doing: it has abolished its military forces. Aside from that interesting fact, what else can we find out about it? Well, the country’s largest lake is Lake Arenal, which, at 33 square miles, is a fair old size. It also has a depth of up to 200 feet, and it is within these vast waters that we go looking for Costa Rica’s cryptid.

The first reports of a mystery animal in the waters of the lake come from the early 1970s when some fishermen reported seeing a 98ft-long lake monster with a cow-like head; sounding rather like a fisherman’s tale of the one that got away, perhaps it’s not the most believable of creatures. However, perhaps more believable are the appearances of crocodiles in the waters of the lake. Where they have come from appears to be a mystery and there is still a little doubt that they are even there. Whatever the truth of it, it’s recommended not to go swimming in the waters.

Next stop: Nicaragua
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CITES ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HERPDIGEST - USFWS Request Species Proposals for Consideration 16th Meeting Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

SUMMARY: USF&WS invites you to provide us with information and recommendations on animal and plant species that should be considered as candidates for U.S. proposals to amend Appendices I and II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES or the Convention) at the upcoming sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP16). Such amendments may concern the addition of species to Appendix I or II, the transfer of species from one Appendix to another, or the removal of species from Appendix II. Finally, with this notice, we also describe the U.S. approach to preparations for CoP16. We will publish a second Federal Register notice to solicit information and recommendations on possible resolutions, decisions, and agenda items for discussion at CoP16 and to provide information on how to request approved observer status.

DATES: We will consider all information and comments we receive on or before August 15, 2011. ADDRESSES: Send correspondence pertaining to species proposals to the Division of Scientific Authority; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 4401 North Fairfax Drive; Room 110; Arlington, VA 22203; or via e-mail to: Comments and materials we receive pertaining to species proposals will be available for public inspection, by appointment, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Division of Scientific Authority.

Rosemarie Gnam, Chief, Division of Scientific Authority; phone 703-358- 1708; fax 703-358-2276; e-mail:


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora, hereinafter referred to as CITES or the Convention, is an international treaty designed to regulate international trade in certain animal and plant species that are now, or potentially may become, threatened with extinction. These species are listed in the Appendices to CITES, which are available on the CITES Secretariat's Web site at index.shtml.

Currently, 175 countries, including the United States, are Parties to CITES. The Convention calls for regular biennial meetings of the Conference of the Parties, unless the Conference decides otherwise. At these meetings, the Parties review the implementation of CITES, make provisions enabling the CITES Secretariat in Switzerland to carry out its functions, consider amendments to the list of species in Appendices I and II, consider reports presented by the Secretariat, and make recommendations for the improved effectiveness of CITES. Any country that is a Party to CITES may propose amendments to Appendices I and II, resolutions, decisions, and agenda items for consideration by all the Parties at the meeting.

This is our first in a series of Federal Register notices that, together with an announced public meeting, provide you with an opportunity to participate in the development of the U.S. submissions to and negotiating positions for the sixteenth regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP16). Our regulations governing this public process are found in Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at § 23.87.

For Rest of this announcement, it it long, full of information of what information you need to submit, history of CITEs, format, etc. email Rosemarie Gnam at or Allen Salzberg/Herpdigest at


Identifying plausible scenarios for the establishment of invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus) in Southern Florida (Via Herp Digest)

Identifying plausible scenarios for the establishment of invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus) in Southern Florida

Biological Invasions-Volume 13, Number 7, John D. Willson, Michael E. Dorcas and Raymond W. Snow
Contact: John Wilson, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Science, Virginia Polytechni Institute and State University, 100 Cheatham Hall, Nlacksburg, VA 2406, email

Successful invasions of secretive alien species often go unrecognized until spread has exceeded the point where control or eradication is feasible. In such situations, understanding factors that contributed to establishment can be critical to preventing subsequent introductions of previously-successful invaders or ecologically similar species. The Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus), a native to Southeast Asia, is abundant in the pet trade and is now well-established in southern Florida.

Although there can be little argument that the ultimate source of Florida pythons was the pet industry, there has been limited consideration of biological support for scenarios that may have lead to their establishment. In this study we use information on python capture rates and biologically-derived population growth models to evaluate the plausibility of various scenarios for python establishment. Our results indicate that scenarios involving relatively recent establishment (post-1990) require large numbers (100-1,000) of founders or unrealistically high juvenile survivorship. Intentional simultaneous release of large numbers of pythons is unlikely and accidental release of large numbers of founders is inconsistent with the spatial and temporal pattern of pythons captures in the region. We conclude that the most parsimonious scenario for establishment of pythons in Florida involves the release of a relatively small number of founders prior to 1985. Our results demonstrate that for pythons and other species with low inherent detection probabilities, early action during incipient phases of an invasion is critical and understanding likely introduction scenarios is important for preventing similar situations from occurring elsewhere or with other species.


Gavin L-W has too much on his plate at the moment, and so we are looking for one or more people to joing the CFZ News Team. C'mon guys; now is the time for all good folk to come to the aid of the party...

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

You'll remember Roanoke Island (or not) from a few weeks ago when I mentioned Lord Grenville; well, on this day in 1586 the British colonists left/died/got abducted by aliens.
And now the news:

Two More Mountain Lion Sightings Reported
DEP: Dead Mountain Lion Was Held In Captivity
Claims of Mountain Lions Roaming in Connecticut Dr...
Captive Male Darwin's Frog Coughs up Babies (Via H...
Shelling out help for Kingdom's Turtles (Via Herp ...
Daniel Hamilton, Student dies while pursuing passi...

Another random video with nothing to do with today's news but seriously; you HAVE to watch this penguin version of Professor Layton. Turn the sound up for this too: