Monday, April 04, 2011

OLL LEWIS: Introducing Fortean Fives

As a new feature on the CFZ blog I have once again taken it upon myself to contact the great and the good of Forteana to find out bits of interesting information. This time round it’s a chance for everyone to list the five Fortean events they personally find the most interesting, inspiring or exciting. The events can be as genuine or as dubious as they want, or about anything at all as long as it was a strange event.

I’ll be emailing some of you over the next few weeks to see if you want to participate, or more likely sending messages to you over facebook. However, I do have a bad memory and the organizational skills of a cucumber so may not have thought of sending you an email or wrongly think I already have so I’d really appreciate it if anyone who would like to participate would send an email to or message me on facebook just to speed things along.

All I’ll need are your name and the 5 Fortean events that you find the most interesting along with a sentence or two saying why for each selection (although if you want to write more then this would be great too). Also, if you have a particular book or website of yours you would like to be mentioned in your article then please remember to let me know in your email/facebook message. Think of it as a sort of Desert Island Disks but for Fortean events.

Oll Lewis

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