Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CFZ PEOPLE: Happy Birthday Shosh

When I got married for the second time in 2007, one thing worried me. I had just - at the age of 48 - become a stepfather, twice over. I had heard all sorts of horror stories from friends of mine in similar situations, who found that their new stepchildren resented them, and in extreme cases did their best to jeopardise things between their mama and this unwanted new husband of hers.

I needn't have worried: both girls accepted me, and I love them both very much. Indeed, my relationship with them, especially those moments when I get to do daddy stuff, are two of the things in my life which I most prize.

And today, the eldest, Shoshannah (familiar to one and all from various Weird Weekends) is 26. Happy Birthday, my darling girl....

And mama writes...

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Shoshannah.

    And to Jon I say, you are one very lucky man.
    You have a nice wife who cannot possibly blame you for inflicting the pain of child-birth on her and you have two lovely girls, without ever having had to change a single nappy or suffer the indignation of being pee'd and puked on.
