Monday, January 31, 2011


The other day, whilst researching in Stockport Library, I came across the following story, which has not yet been cross-referenced with The Historical Bigfoot by Chad Arment. If anyone would be so kind as to do this I would be most grateful.

According to The Stockport Advertiser Notes and Queries September 9th 1882:


While hunting for deserters from a ship, at Guaymas,* a few days ago, the searchers discovered a man covered from head to foot with long, shaggy hair, of a reddish colour. On their approaching him he commenced to run, and they chased him, following him for a distance of a mile or more, to the beach, where he jumped from rock to rock with the agility of a chamois, and was soon lost to sight behind a jutting point. They afterward discovered the cave which he inhabits, the floor being covered with skins, and the indications were that he subsisted entirely upon raw flesh. Organized efforts will be made to capture him. (1)

(*Now in N.W Mexico)

Well, what do you make of that my dear cryptid lovers? I am interested in the reddish coat and cave dwelling. Is this common of sasquatch/bigfoot? Please let us know.

1. Stockport Advertiser Notes & Queries Sept 9th 1882 p.115.


  1. That story's not in there, though he does have one listed from 1882 - but in a place called Round Valley.

    The red color is definitely common. It's the most common Bigfoot color (although many colors have been reported).

  2. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Both the standard Wildman type and Sasquatch are said to sometimes hide in caves and have reddish coats. This sounds like the standard Wildman type to me, and you DO get reports of the type from North America, it just does not get as much press as Sasquatches do any more. From my understanding, EITHER ONE can be called "Bigfoot" colloqually.

  3. Since the 1882 borders of California did not extend hundreds of miles south into Sonora, Mexico (to include Guaymas), I suspect that it was a poorly researched hoax written by a bored correspondent.

  4. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Andrew's first comment indicates that the story occured in a different location and probably was garbled in the retelling. It need not be a hoax. Moreover it was the deserters from the ship that were from Mexico, it seems, not necessarily the Mexican location implied to be in California. They might have had a bulletin saying "Be on the lookout for deserters from a Mexican ship, believed to have crossed over into the Californian border" or something like that.

    Ivan Sanderson indicates that the Wildman type is commonly reddish when younger and darkens with age: on the contrary, reddish Sasquatches per se are more common in Canada than they are in California. And as I indicated, the term "Bigfoot" is imprecisely used to refer to either type-or to sightings of bears, Devil Monkeys, and who knows what all besides.

    I have a couple of good firsthand statements from witnesses reporting the Neanderthal type in Arizona in recent years and indicating the Almas type of tracks. There are also reports of what appear to be Mexican grizzlies (thought to be extinct locally) under the heading of "Monster bears".

    Best Wishes, Dale D.
