Thursday, October 14, 2010

ROBERT SCHNECK: Hallowe'en costumes - the yeti

When it comes to costumes, the yeti is less popular than his North American cousin.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I saw the blurb saying "(NB: Folks, prepare yourselves for a tirade from Richard F about yeti colouration LOL)"
    Actually, there is a longstanding debate about the Yetis being depicted as white among Cryptozoologists. Many of them even deny that Yetis are reported as white. The anwer actually is that more than one thing is called a Yeti and that the giant (Gigantopithecus?) type has been reported as white before. That is evidently the same type as the Sasquatch in North America, which is also regularly reported as white. Ivan Sanderson mentioned that male Sasquatches could be grey or grizzled in colouration and my explanation of this is that they have something like a silverbacked gorilla effect, only they get the lighter colouration all over. White Yetis occur in some of the traditional depictions as well as in certain reports since the 1930s.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.
