Saturday, August 07, 2010

WEIRD WEEKEND 2010: The Latest News

* Dan Holdsworth very kindly offered to bring Sir Nicholas of Redfernshire down to Woolsery next week, but - as the more eagle eyed amongst you will know - Nick had to pull out because of the death of his mother earlier in the year. Dan therefore has room in his car if anyone wants a lift from the Midlands down to Devon for the WW.

* Dan also writes that "Here's another highlight for the WW" and links to

With only a week to go, now might be a good time to buy your tickets to the best crypto-fortean event of the year....

Buy Your Tickets here


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Just a minute, Jon; how dare you describe my humble abode as being in the Midlands! I live almost in the shadow of Pendle Hill, a place which is defiantly Up North and most definitely nowhere near the midlands!

    What I plan on doing is heading from the borough of Pendle down to you by the most expedient route I can find, this basically being M66, M60, M6, M5 then off cross-country on the A361 and A39. Google maps reckon this to be about 6 hours travel, so if I'm to pick anyone up I don't want to be deviating far off that track, and I will need an EXACT pick-up address or postcode; my sat-nav will see to the directions. A contribution towards the fuel costs would also be welcome, too, though I shall be most disappointed if the car doesn't far exceed 50 miles to the gallon.

    Finally, I'm traveling down on Thursday, and returning on the Monday (not the Sunday night; I tried that the first Weird Weekend I attended, and it was soul-destroying).

  2. Now that WW 2010 is nearly here, it's about time you started planning for 2011. You can't start too early. Here are a few suggestions for topics:-

    Human-sheep Hybrids in the Welsh Mountains.

    A study of tortoise problems with back-scratching.

    See if you can get Dr Dan to say something about computers.

    A genuine bullfight. (You can sell tickets to the huge crowds of Animal Rights Protesters before letting them in to protest).

    Darren Naish on Enigmatigly Vanishing Beds and their relation to poltergeist activity.

    Cryptozoological aspects of female mud wrestling (with demonstration).

    Practical workshop: How to fit an artificial leg to a tiger. (To do this, you need a tiger; a saw to remove leg; an artificial leg; someone from the audience who can be persuaded, perhaps after alcoholic intake, to screw it on).

    For the children: see the Mad Hatter play with a cobra.
