Saturday, July 10, 2010


FROM YOUTUBE: Need a bird expert to let me know what this is...An American Avocet? A Marbled Godwit?


  1. This is a well-known Irish wading bird, the gooselike eejit (Idioticus anserinus). They can only reproduce by mating with a kangaroo (Macropus) and, as there are few kangaroos in Ireland, it is an endangered species.

  2. If the bird is from North America it looks like a member of the Godwit family. Their are several species and it is dificult to say which one it is as the quality of the tape is so poor. But it looks like the Marbled Godwit (Limosa Fedoa)to me. I found these in Marshes here in Canada when I was a yound boy.
