Wednesday, June 30, 2010


He thinks it is rather special, and if you are into softshell turtles (as are we) then it is hard not to agree with him..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sorry, could not see anything there. But it did give me a chance to say something about softshell turtles.
    Feller from across the street gave one of our neices one such a turtle one time and we wound up trying to take care of it while keeping it in an aquarium at our house. It never did eat all the time we had it. Softshells can be the most stubborn, onery, peevish and ill-tempered turtles you can try to keep-they are not the kind that most people can rear as pets. We eventually released ours back into the wild.

    Also up until recently we were keeping a pair of box turtles in a pen in the bacvk yard. they were a male and a female and we had them for decades. Box turtles are incidentally not tortoises but terrapins that live on land. Both recently disappeared out of the pen and we feel certain neighborhood kids had stolen them. We felt badly about that because we were also fairly certain that the kids would not care for them and they would eventually die of neglect. Kids should be made aware that if you have a pet, you are responsible for the animal's upkeep for the rest of its life and most kids nowadays are not prepared for such a commitment.
