Monday, May 10, 2010


On sunday I was pootling about on my emails when in came an email with the title:

"[forteana] The CFZ. Is there something they are not telling us?"

...and my heart sank. I really was not in the mood for another veiled attack on my morals, business practises, methodology, beliefs, or whatever. Then I noticed that it was from our old mate Dave McMann. It read:

'I do enjoy Jon's daily updates about what is happening at the CFZ. For us city dwellers it brings a little part of Devon into our lives as we read about how the garden is coming along in late spring. However, is there something they haven't told us, is it the stuff of nightmares... It might not be the weather for it in the UK but it is the fifth annual World Naked Gardening Day. The event is held on the first Saturday of May and is seen as a way for green fingered enthusiasts across the globe to care for their flower beds as nature intended.'

Me and Oliver prancing around the petunias au naturel? Per-lease, as my dear youngest stepdaughter would say. I have chills down my spine at the thought of it....


  1. "Me and Oliver prancing around the petunias au naturel? Per-lease as my dear youngest stepdaughter would say. I have chills down my spine at the thought of it..."

    As do your readers....

  2. Free Willie yiiiipppeeeeee!
    Now I shall pull myself together and resume my gentlemanly demure.
    One just couldnt resist in this stiuation.
