Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Over on Cryptomundo, Loren was musing on tulpas and wrote:

Yes, for those who have created an imaginary feud between myself and the Center for Fortean Zoology folks, you should realize that Creatures of the Outer Edge was the inspiration to a generation of thought-form/zooform Fortean CFZers, including Jon Downes, Nick Redfern, and several others, apparently. Any change in my thoughts on thoughtforms has not changed my respect for those who have considered these theories valid for their own worldviews. To each to their own sense of the phenomena, I say, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Loren is perfectly right. This has gone on for far too long. Read my lips: THERE IS NO FEUD BETWEEN THE CFZ AND CRYPTOMUNDO, AND THERE NEVER HAS BEEN. Loren and I have disagreed over certain things in the past. We have also agreed on certain things. So what?

Two of his books in particular, Mysterious America and Creatures of the Outer Edge, are seminal works and inspired me to get involved in the Fortean universe in the first place, and I am very pleased to be able to call him a friend.



  1. Mysterious America,Creatures of the Outer Edge and Mysterious Encounters are three of the best fortean books ever writter, the first is the finest fortean overview of a country commited to print

  2. Thanks for clearing it up Jon, for some reason I always thought there was a negativity with certain blog entries from the CFZ towards Cryptomundo, but clearly I had the complete wrong end of the stick and that everyone is happy in the crypto world :-)

  3. Its a pity that some individuals didn't spend more time chasing cryptids than fairy stories.

    Maybe I should start a rumour that either John, Richie or I were the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
    Even better, that a feud erupted between the CFZ and JFK. I can imagine the headline now: "CFZ KO JFK by TKO say FBI and CIA".

    That would get their juices a'surging....

    MJH(the third gunman on the grassy knoll).
