Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RICHARD FREEMAN: Mystery of the dragon

As you may know my new book, The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia is due out anytime now. Among the many weird and wonderful creatures listed in it are Asian dragons. As anyone who knows me will tell you, dragons and their possible literal existence is somewhat of an obsession with me. Here is an excellent article about dragon sightings in China: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/30603/

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I read your article on the other end of the link. Interesting that at least one of the cases involved an obvious shark falling from the sky, which you related to Fortean fishfalls, and then another "Dragon" was an obviously decomposing corpse.

    So are some of these "Dragons" then possibly Pseudoplesiosaur-Shark carcass-cases, whether found "Raining from the skies" or else just lying there? I think ther book Mermaids and Mastodons made a case that some midieval- European "Dragon Slayings" were the result of some enterprising knight-errant or another claiming credit for "killing" a Pseudo-plesiosaur-"Laidly Wurm"-carcass washed up on the beach. Unless I am rememberining the wrong book-but in this case it's the idea that counts and not the credit for the idea.
