Thursday, April 01, 2010

MS. C LIONZ: Must be posted before lunchtime (apparently)

Sea Monster off the Coast
By Ms C. Lionz 01/04/10 The Whitby Bay Weekly
Some American visitors reported to our chief reporter Ms C. Lionz that they had seen a strange creature in the bay this morning. They were walking at the end of the pier when one of them thought they saw a submarine. They all rushed to the end of the pier where they saw an amazing sight. One of the visitors Prof. Nowall of Wahoona University described it at "3 or 4 humps, black and shiny swimming against the waves" They were unable to get any photos, so stunned were they by the creature. One of the visitors, a Miss Tellit, said she thought she could see an eel-like head.

Prof. Nowall has been so excited by the event, he has set up a tent on the end of the pier and intends to spend the rest of holiday there, armed with a telephoto lens and some salmon sandwiches. He has promised us the first photo. Good luck Prof!

1 comment:

  1. I fear Professor Nowall is mistaken. What he has seen is a big cat swimming under water, with its tail sticking up in the manner of a periscope.
