Saturday, February 13, 2010


As many of you are aware we have been keeping the Rio Cauca caecilain Typhlonectes natans for some years now. However, if we are to establish a viable breeding colony we need some more, and they ain't very easy to get hold of.

For a number of reasons - mostly medical and financial - we were unable to buy any caecilians from the importers whilst they were readily available last year. This is where you can help.

If any of you see any caecilians, but particularly the aquatic Typhlonectes species, in pet shops, garden centres or aquarists anywhere in the UK can you please give me a ring on 01237 431413.

1 comment:

  1. a fascinating species regrwtably restricted here in New Zealand. There are alot of great things in the hobby we are not allowed to keep and therefore never see.
