Saturday, January 09, 2010


A year ago today we were surrounded by all sorts of weirdness and controversy after a dead seal washed up on Croyde beach. Various papers and pundits announced that it was the carcass of the Beast of Exmoor when it was obviously no such thing. We retrieved the skull for posterity and got attacked in the national press for having done so.

Of course I blogged about it, and as we discovered that putting multiple blogs out on the same day suddenly upped the hits on the blog from about thirty a day to nearly five hundred we decided to continue. Quickly it evolved into what was essentially a daily magazine, and eventually into what you are reading now.

So I would like to thank everyone who has been involved over the last year. There isn't room for me to list everyone, but I would like to single out my wife Corinna, Richard Muirhead, Dale Drinnon, Oll Lewis, and my sub-editor Lizzy Clancy who are involved on a daily or pretty well a daily basis. It takes a lot of committment, and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me.
Now for year 2.

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