Wednesday, December 23, 2009

SEASON OF GOODWILL AT THE CFZ...the ongoing story

Well, Oll has gone home to Wales for the next ten days, although I have to say that I am very grateful to him for continuing to do Yesterday's New Today whilst on his holidays.

So it is just me, Corinna, Biggles and Graham.

Yesterday we had a trailer-load of logs delivered - not bad for £65, I thought, but I was mildly perturbed at the fact that they caused a veritable road block of the lane outside our house. Note Biggles investigating what turned out to be a dead vole at the side of the road.

Then, for reasons best known to himself, Graham put the logs into the log bin by the process of hurling them from the gate, much to the entertainment of Biggles who started to bark wildly and chase them.

This was obviously something that was not really sustainable in the long term, so after about ten minutes of this he came into the office to help me work on the CFZ 2010 Yearbook while Graham finished doing his lumberjack bit. I was waiting for him to sing the song, but he didn't.

We ended up with far more logs than we had bargained for and Graham ended up bringing four wheelbarrow loads in to stack by the fire. I am seriously looking at getting a woodburning stove for the Dining Room for next year. The price of oil is rising so high that the aga, which was once an economic way of heating the house, is becoming an expensive luxury, whereas wood is cheap and sustainable.

Cryptozoologists are often supposed to be trudging through the snow, following footprints of mysterious animals, and for once we (and by that I mean Graham) was doing exactly what the public supposes us to do.

The mystery animal is not a yeti, however, nor is it a waheela. It is Corinna's rabbit, Maureen, who has escaped and for two days now is refusing to come home, even though she is going no further than twenty feet away from her hutch, and spends considerable amounts of time nuzzling noses with Pringle (Olivia's rabbit) who is still safe at home.

1 comment:

  1. I am told that a 12 bore is best for rounding up errant rabbits.
    It may not be wise to show this post to Corinna.
