Friday, December 04, 2009

NICK REDFERN: Haunted Canals & Hairy Creatures

As readers of this blog may be aware, I have a deep interest in so-called British Bigfoot reports. And the hairy critter that fascinates me most of all is that which was seen late one night in January 1879 on the Shropshire Union Canal - and which involved a man being attacked by a large ape-like animal with bright, shining eyes.

Of course, as I point out in my book on the subject, Man-Monkey: In Search of the British Bigfoot, the incident was not an isolated one, and other sightings of the creature have since been made in the same vicinity. Well, now none other than British Waterways have picked up on the story and have a new posting at their website that reveals background data on the 1879 affair, as well as much more on countless other haunted canals of Britain.Here's the link to the complete article.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    One of the disconcerting features regularly reported in the case of undoubted hallucinations is that they are "Fuzzy" with an indistinct outline, and that "Fuzzyness" is then regularly reported as a "Hairy"apparition. This turns up in regular ghost reports but also UFO reports for both "Occupants" and "Vehicles" as well as in Cryptozoology. It is a most disconcerting thing when you look at the records, but that very "Hairiness" could be an indication that something wasn't really there at all. I have taken down reports of "Hairy" apparitions locally and in fact when we were kids, I could readily convince my youngest brother that he had actually witnessed "hairy monsters". I suppose this must have been a sort of hypnosis.
