Friday, December 18, 2009


Unlike many blogs and online thingys the CFZ Bloggo will not close during what is euphemistically known as `The Festive Season`.

This is not just because various members of the core CFZ team feel that the most important character of the Yuletide mythos was Ebenezer Scrooge, but also because it is the one time of year that the telephone doesn't ring, and the postman does not inflame the dog's psyche, and I can actually get on with doing what I want to without interruption.

We are not guaranteeing how many postings there will be each day, or even that they will be particularly sensible, but there will be postings, `cos the CFZ are ace!

Beware of imitations!

1 comment:

  1. I trust that the CFZ crew will be out and about around the village, in the days before christmas, raising much needed funds for the cause by BLACKMAILING the locals into parting with large sums of cash, in exchange for you NOT carol singing.
