Saturday, October 10, 2009


(8am-10am New Zealand time on Saturday mornings-there is a Listen button at the website so you can hear it through the net. Check what this will be in your local time by going to - NB: The time will be changing to 10am-midday on Saturdays soon)

Rhys Darby and David Farrier On The Air! (the Cryptid Factor)

posted 08 October 2009
George FM is proud to announce the addition of comedic heavyweight Rhys Darby and media maverick David Farrier to our weekly DJ lineup.

We'll let the boys explain how they're going to brighten up your Saturday mornings with…The Cryptid Factor:

From Rhys:
"If I ever had the time in my busy Hollywood schedule to listen to radio, this would be the show I would listen to, it's a show about mystery, adventure, monsters and bollocks. Two of New Zealand's greatest minds combine to bring you two hours of 'must watch' radio. This radio show is about keeping alive the spirit from the golden age of mystery and adventure and gives the public a rare glimpse at my serious side as I discuss things like the migration patterns of Yeti - arguably the most important thing to hit New Zealand radio since Bad Jelly the Witch. And the opportunity to work with David Farrier is...something I have to put up with to do this show."

From Farrier:
"The Cryptid Factor is a show about cryptids - that is, animals unknown to science like the Yeti, Loch Ness monster and the Mongolian Death Worm. It's an area of obsession for both Rhys and myself and we're both mutually tickled we've met someone else who's into it. And that a station like George will let us share it with New Zealand. So yeah, we'll be chatting about the subject in amongst playing our favourite tunes.

There's never been a radio show in New Zealand celebrating cryptozoology. This has always stunned me a bit, and when I found Rhys was equally passionate about the issue, planning a new show seemed pretty logical. Of course saying "planning" makes it sound really planned - all we've really done is given the show segments various names. We're a particularly proud of a segment called 'vocalisations'. This segment will be both sexy and chilling.

We'll be breaking a few radio rules... we're having a very visual section about cryptid art. The fact you can't see pictures on the radio won't be stopping us. As for music, well, Rhys has just this minute handed me his Daft Punk CD - what could go wrong?!?"

Find out what indeed could go wrong every Saturday morning on George FM.

The Cryptid Factor with Rhys Darby and David Farrier on George FM. Saturdays, 8-10am, George FM.

For interview opportunities, contact , 021997042

Follow us: and search for THE CRYPTID FACTOR group on Facebook.

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