Sunday, October 04, 2009

NAOMI WEST: Twista the Xenopus

Naomi writes:

Jon, this girl I found online has some African Clawed Frog and one of them that she has named Twista has adapted to a birth defect and does all these bizarre twists and turns. Below are a couple links. - In the first video on this page, Twista does all kinds of moves in the last couple minutes. (She is eating.) - here is her frog page with more videos.

I have had xenopus for years now, and to see them eat earthworms is both truly impressive and truly disgusting. I have to say that it reminds me of my little brother's first attempts at eating spaghetti about 40 years ago. My little brother is, by the way, now Major R.J.Downes BEM, stationed as a chaplain in Afghanistan, and having not seen him eating spaghetti for many years, I somehow doubt whether he still eats like an African clawed frog....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I was half asleep and I think I gave the links in reverse. It's this page that has a video part way down with the last couple minutes showing the acrobatic moves:
