Friday, September 18, 2009


Scottie Westfall is an invaluable addition to the CFZ family. Over at his blog he does much the same sort of fringe natural history as we do, and his is one of the few blogs (along with TetZoo and the Birdchick) that I read avidly. He has been following the ongoing debate about the hairless blue dogs of Texas which have been the subject of CFZ investigations since 2004, and has thrown another piece of information into the investigative melting pot:

He writes: "Hairless Village dogs in Latin America - they exist as far north as Mexico. Perhaps some of their genes have trickled into the coyote population, and then the Mexican coyotes with these genes wandered into Texas."

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to be mentioned here. Thank you.

    Just remember, though, that politically I'm more of a yellow dog than a blue dog. (Both terms actually mean something in US politics!)
