Thursday, September 10, 2009

And this is...

The 2000th post on the main CFZ bloggo

I never thought in my wildest dreams - and believe me boys and girls, my dreams can get pretty wild - that the bloggo would be the success that it has been. I would like to thank the bloggo team, the editorial staff, the guest bloggers, and my three daily regulars Gavin, Oll and Dizzy Miss Lizzy, for everything that you all do to make this a success.

I truly believe that we are doing something seriously important here. The CFZ is standing for values and concepts that I believe are becoming increasingly ignored in our modern society, and at times it feels like we are fighting somewhat of a lone rearguard action.

With the news that I posted today, and the latest CFZ expedition to Sumatra, it looks like the CFZ is just about to enter into a new phase of activity and hopefully, influence and success. We still have crippling financial problems but we shall muddle on through because we always do.

Several of you have written to me over the past few days offering help with the Indexing project. Sadly I have just just heard from Glen Vaudrey that because of other committments he will not be able to run the Indexing Project after all. Several of you have offered assistance over the past weeks. Richard is just about to leave the CFZ for Exeter and then London, and then Sumatra. By the end of today I will have finished with the Sumatra and Blue Dog backlogs, and hopefully will have written properly to you all.

Forgive my tardiness.

Thank you all for your help and support. Running this circus is a logistical and financial nightmare, but we will continue. Because we have to!

If there is anyone else out there who has time, money, expertise or equipment that they would like to donate to us and our ongoing series of activities and research across the world, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



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