Tuesday, June 09, 2009


On sunday I would have gone to a charity livebearer auction in the Midlands. For a number of reasons it didn't happen. I was very disappointed, because it was something that Rossi and I had been looking forward to greatly since Christmas, but things do not always work out the way that one wants them. Sadly, it seems that this might have been the last of them. Tim Addis, one of the organisers, wrote:

We donated £591.60 into the charity funds which is almost £100 up on last Decembers do. It would have been a lot more but quite a few of those attending did not pay a £2 entrance fee which all goes into the charity pot. It's hard to control entrance with the back doors open to set the event up so we rely on peoples honesty.

I think that this is apalling. I find it hard to imagine the mindset of people who are prepared to spend money on pet fish, but not to pay two quid on the door as an entrance fee in ordfer to do so. This is a sad indictment of the society in which we live. Tim goes on to say:

This may be the last one ! Alan is pulling out of organising due to health problems over the past year & I fully understand his reasons. The girls who have helped us out with handling the money & booking forms right from the first auction have also decided to retire from the auctions. We would not have been able to even hold the first auction without their help & Alan & I really thank you for all your hard work over the years.

Now this leaves just me to organise the whole thing which is getting hard now as the event is really growing. I would like to keep it going as it is now something many people have come to appreciate in December & June & I don't want to let you all down by completely pulling the plug on it.

He is hoping to organise a committee to help run the auction in future. Good luck Tim. I know from bitter experience that it is very hard to get help to do anything like that. However, I hope that it will all work out in the end, because it was a fantastic event, and one that will be sorely missed.

If you can help, email Tim on timaddis@killifish.force9.co.uk

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