Saturday, June 13, 2009


As even the most casual reader who has ever been on the bloggo before cannot have failed to recognise, it has been an extraordinary couple of days here on the CFZ Bloggo.

We usually get somewhere between 1,300 and 2,400 people a day visiting us and we have vacillated around on the Nature Blog rankings at between 11-18 since February. The sumbers have slowly been rising and we have been very happy with this.

However, as a direct result of us having released the Peruvian "snake" pictures yesterday, viewing figures have gone through the roof. As I type, the figures are well over 8,000 and rising steadily and we are at #2 in the Nature Blog hit parade. Which is all very well but does it mean anything?

I sincerely hope that some of the people who have been drawn in by news reports linking to the blog from Coast to Coast AM, Fortean Times, The Anomalist and others will check out other parts of the bloggo, become regular readers and even more hopefully get involved.

However, pleased though we all are at the figures, we know that this is a blip and we are not gonna get all vainglorious about it and start proclaiming how clever we are. We leave that sort of self-congratulatory nonsense to other people.

On a slightly different tack, I have authorised most posts that people have made commenting about the Peruvian "Snake" and other stories. However, I will not allow abusive nonsense through. So "Hey man, too much ***ing talkin' why not tell us da truth about alienz" and "stop wasting my freaking time with this ****" are denied. The CFZ bloggo and indeed the CFZ as a whole is a forum where anyone with manners and a modicum of intelligence can voice their opinion. And it doesn't have to be an opinion that I share. However, name calling and semi-literate drivel, or paranoid conpiracy theorising has no place here.

So there!

1 comment:

  1. I just signed up (tho I read here frequently) to let you know that the link to your forum is not quite right.
    That was copied and pasted from your page link.
    BTW I love this site and read nearly everything posted!
    Donna from Indiana US
