Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Really Lloyd Wilson, you are a dark horse. You have let us rumble on about hedgehogs (although I am really proud of my clever sister and nephews for managing to breed theirs) without letting on that you have a hedgehog blog par excellence. I would seriously urge anyone who has even the slightest interest in the cutest of our native insectivores to go and have a gander at Gavin's blog. It is marvellous:

While here I would like to publically thank Gavin for all that he does for us. He is a smashing bloke and works terribly hard running the CFZ Newsblog each day. Gavin dude, I am not gonna say that you will get your reward in Heaven. Unlike my brother I am not a theologist and don't intend to become one. However, this I can promise you. Come and visit us sometime soon and you will get your reward in Devon because I will buy you several drinks and I am sure that my darling wife will make some of her most sumptious cakes...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked it! I don't really know that much about hedgehogs - I'm learning by observation really - and having fun with the infrared motion-sensor wildlife camera.
