Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where do all these videos come from?

I want to know where these YouTube videos come from, and why they become so unaccountably popular. Over a million and a half people have seen it, or so it would seem. However, the art of spamming YouTube is apparently not as difficult as one might have thought.

As far as I can tell, this rather unpreposessing video shows a plastic bag floating in the wind, but the blurb which accompanies it (from someone called Ian Donaldson - a name with some very unfortunate connotations) reads:

I was sent this INCREDIBLE video from a guy in Hamburg. You won't believe your eyes. These guys were joking around filming each other in his car when they captured this really strange flying "creature" in the background. I have no idea what it is - they have suggested its angel....I'm not quite sure what to think..have a look for yourselves!!!

Another even less impressive video from the same bloke which concists of a blurry shape in a mirror in the background of a video of a bunch og German teenagers singing links us to www.fallenwings.org but as you will see this URL is just one of the multipurpose ones splashed across the web that don't seem to actually do anything.

So why is someone using the name of a dead Nazi skinhead purporting to show people videos of angels? This is all getting rather peculiar and I would quite like to know the answer.

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