Sunday, February 08, 2009

CFZ PEOPLE: Commiserations to Gavin

We would all like to send our commiserations to CFZ member Gavin Lloyd-Wilson on the death of his cat `Spock` aged sixteen. I know that I am meant to be a scientist and all that, but I am ridiculously anthropomorphic (in the old fasioned sense of the word, not in the modern sense meaning something to do with the so-called `Furry Fandom`) and I consider my dogs and cats to be little people in furry coats, rather than domesticated snall carnivores, so Gavin, mate my heart goes out to you.

Just remember that Spock is in pet heaven which is a fantastic place where our departed pets can do all the things they liked to do in real life like defacate in the wrong places, bite people, turn out rubbish bins, and chase each other noisily....

1 comment:

  1. Having lost my old cat Oedipus aged 20 years 5 months last September,I offer my condolences. Oedipus went in his sleep ,I hope Gavin's puss went peacefully as well.
    The best advice I had is that he had a good life living with me and now it's another cats turn to be cared for. I hope Gavin finds another cat to fill the gap in his life.
