Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Normal service will.... etc etc


forgive me for having been somewhat elusive over the past few days. Ever since the horrible events of early September my health has been shot to buggery, and both my bipolar disorder and my diabetes have gone from being reasonably controlled, to being all over the place.

At the moment it is the turn of my bipolarshite and I am feeling as mad as a bagfull of cheese. No doubt it will pass - it usually does, and I will be back in the driver's seat, but for the moment I am keeping my head down, playing twelve year old computer games, listening to Al Stewart, and sucessfully resisting the temptation to drink myself into a coma.

Dealing with bipolar was much easier when I could drink or drug it away, but now I am completely drug free, and I only drink occasionally, so the twin crutches that helped me deal with this filthy bloody disease for years have disappeared. And when I am in this condition I know that I am an even bigger pain in the arse without drink or drugs than I would have been with them. So I am drinking diet ginger beer, trying not to smoke too much, and attempting not to be irksome to my loved ones...

Remember me in your thoughts, and prayers to whichever deity you favour. I need them




  1. Sounds like you have more control than you give yourself credit for. It isn't easy to give up such crutches.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and mention you to whatever Gods may cross my mind or path.

  2. God bless you, Jon. Hope you're feeling much better very soon.


  3. Hi Jon

    Sorry to hear about your recent troubles. I'm nearly into my third year on Prozac and I know how horrible it can be to be out of control of your feelings.

    We've got a prayer board in our house and I'm going to put your name on it, if that's OK.

    Best wishes

    Jon Matthias (one-time Animals & Men subscriber)

  4. Thanks guys - this means a lot to me
