Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The hunt for British Big Cats attracts far more newspaper-column inches than any other cryptozoological subject. There are so many of them now that we feel that they should be archived by us in some way, so we are publishing a regular round-up of the stories as they come in. In September 2012 Emma Osborne decided that the Mystery Cat Study Group really deserved a blog of its own within the CFZ Blog Network.

  • NEWSLINK: Jaguars, Other Large Felines Have An 'Ob...
  • US SIGHTING: Big cats attack in Houston

    In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out-of-place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. So after about six months of regular postings on the main bloggo Corinna took the plunge and started a 'Watcher of the Skies' blog of her own as part of the CFZ Bloggo Network.


    The Gonzo Daily - Monday
    We are still carless, but rather than jump into anything stupid I am waiting for the right one to come along. I would like another Mercedes C250 like I used to have in 1999/2000 but I am going to wait and see. The night before last I watched The Rolling Stones at Hyde Park (2013) on BBC iPlayer. It was billed at featuring Mick Taylor as a "special guest" so I was expecting some classy blues stylisations like the ones from the Glastonbury show, but my favourite guitarist was - I am afraid - conspicuous by his absence except strumming along on the encore. Disappointing, I am afraid. However, he is there for everyone to see on the live version of 'Tubular Bells' (also on BBC iPlayer). The Mike Oldfield documentary is also well worth a look...

    Another visit to our old friend Thom the World Poet.
    Today's Track of the Day is by Merrell Fanbkhauser and Ed Cassidy
    Eric Burdon: “Guys come up to me and tell me The Animals saved their lives”
    Former Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett to appear at Scottish Rite
    *  The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at  jon@eclipse.co.uk. If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at gonzo@cfz.org.uk. Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...

    *  The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link:
    * We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!

    *  Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 54 who - together with his orange cat (who is currently on sick leave in Staffordshire) and two very small kittens (one of whom is also orange) puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish, and sometimes a small Indian frog. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the orange cat?

    CRYPTOLINK: Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium brings sasquatch believers together in Stilwell

    A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting (sometimes for the wrong reasons), usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me. This post, however, is particularly interesting and the author should be congratulated...

    STILWELL, Okla. - Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. No matter the name a lot of believers gathered in Stilwell this weekend to share their evidence that the creature exist. "Then something happened that was monumental, that just changed how I looked at things in general," recalled one researcher as he described an encounter with a Bigfoot. A common saying when Bigfoot researchers and believers come together.

    All this weekend tall tales are being told in Stillwell at the second annual Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium.
    For the speakers and guests gathered from across the country, finding Bigfoot is just part of their life.
    "To me to have an experience is almost like an adrenaline rush," Ron Boles with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization said. "Some people like to jump out of planes. I like to go in the woods."
    They understand that not everyone buys in to it. Randy Harrington with the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center didn't really get it he says until he came across an adult Bigfoot with its child in Oklahoma.
    "Some people you are just not going to convince they are out there," Harrington said. "Other people are very accepting of the fact that these creatures are out there. I'm telling you, they're out there.
    With all of their research devices, Bigfoot believers say the evidence is becoming more and more credible, with thermal technology now being used. Compared to night vision recordings, thermal technology is harder to fake researchers say. 

    Read on...

    CRYPTOLINK: Bigfoot sighting in area

    A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting (sometimes for the wrong reasons), usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me. This post, however, is particularly interesting and the author should be congratulated...

    Craig Sulk, Menominee, points out the area where his camera captured an image of what could possibly be a Bigfoot. The image was powerful enough to send a team of experts to investigate and record a TV documentary. EagleHerald/Mike Desotell
    Craig Sulk, Menominee, points out the area where his camera captured an image of what could possibly be a Bigfoot. The image was powerful enough to send a team of experts to investigate and record a TV documentary. EagleHerald/Mike Desotell
    Cast and crew from the Animal Planet TV show “Finding Bigfoot” gathered at the home of Craig and Barb Sulk north of Menominee on Sept. 21. The crew had just been on location for another shoot in Nepal, India, before conducting the U.P. investigation. Special to the EagleHerald
    Cast and crew from the Animal Planet TV show “Finding Bigfoot” gathered at the home of Craig and Barb Sulk north of Menominee on Sept. 21. The crew had just been on location for another shoot in Nepal, India, before conducting the U.P. investigation. Special to the EagleHerald
    EagleHerald staff writer

    MENOMINEE - Anyone who says there's nothing exciting going on in Menominee probably hasn't been paying close attention. There have been numerous reports of ghostly apparitions on 1st Street, brooms that stand up on their own and now perhaps the biggest story of all, a report of a Bigfoot sighting.

    Bigfoot (noun) a large, hairy, apelike creature resembling a yeti, supposedly found in northwestern America. Also called Sasquatch.

    Rewind the calendar to March of 2012. Craig Sulk of Menominee had several game cameras strategically placed around his wooded property. Sometime in May he retrieved the digital camera cards and started looking through the photos. When Sulk looked at the photos again over this past winter he discovered a unique three-frame sequence.

    "The middle picture, there was something. I said, 'a squatch!' and we laughed," he recalled. "This is something. It's not just a shadow or a branch or a bear. Something is in that picture that doesn't belong."

    Sulk pulled together a couple family members and friends and headed to the spot in the woods where the object was photographed to get an idea of just how big it was.

    "I put Barb there and took a bunch of pictures with a digital camera," he said. "We came back to look at the pictures on the computer and dammit if this thing wasn't bigger than her." Barb is Sulk's wife and she stands 5 feet 8 inches tall.

    If the object photographed really was a Bigfoot, the Sulks wanted to know for sure, so they turned to the experts from the TV show "Finding Bigfoot" which airs on Animal Planet, a satellite television channel owned by Discovery Communications.

    Read on...

    OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

    On this day in 1881 the author P.G. Wodehouse was born. Wodehouse is best known as the author of the Blandings Castle and Jeeves novels, as well as very nearly ruining his career for good with a series of ill-advised broadcasts from Germany during World War II.

    Wodehouse claimed to have intended the broadcasts as comic satire but unfortunately most of the British public and the establishment mistook it for collaboration with the Germans similar to the Lord Hawhaw broadcasts. And now the news:

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  • Iran plans new monkey space launch
  • Biswamoyopterus laoensis: New Species of Flying Sq...

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  • A trailer for the recent BBC series of Blandings: