Friday, May 31, 2013


If the word 'cute' were a cat, it would be a servical kitten - Karl Shuker reveals the purr-fect feline hybrid.


In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out of place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. So after about six months of regular postings on the main bloggo Corinna took the plunge and started a 'Watcher of the Skies' blog of her own as part of the CFZ Bloggo Network.

DoC endangered bird teams to merge

CRYPTOLINK: Best States For Bigfoot: The Best Places To Spot The Elusive Ape-Man

A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.
Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. Skunk Ape.
Best States For BigfootNo matter what it's called, cryptozoologists (and wanna-be cryptozoologists) across North America have been obsessed with finding the elusive giant ape-man in the wilds of the country's forests for generations.
Even though Bigfoot sightings have been recorded in every state in the country, except Hawaii, not all Bigfoot habitats are created equal. Real estate blog Estately has crunched the numbers and compiled a list of the best states for Bigfoot to live based on the number of sightings, forest cover, (human) population density, proliferation of roadkill and state laws governing the hunting of mythological creatures.

CRYPTOLINK: Comparisons Between "Sea Serpents" and Mammal Anatomy

A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.


 painting by Thomas Finley, based off of a sighting of an alleged unknown animal in Loch Ness.
This alleged animal's pinnae (ears) and mane of hair support the theory that such unknown vertebrates are mammalian in identity
(if they exist).
I have recently been working on creating comparative images between photographs or eyewitness drawings which are allegedly of the unknown aquatic animals known as "sea serpents" and anatomy of known animal species. While some people may feel that this is a waste of time or is subject to error, I think that making such comparisons may help us gain a better idea of what these animals are and thus may possibly allow us to eventually be able to predict where their likely habitats and behaviors would be. I had originally posted these comparative images to the Bizarre Zoology Facebook page, but I thought that it may be beneficial to viewers if I shared them here. The reports of long-necked unknown animals which suggest that these animals have body hair, whiskers, horn-like structures or pinnae (ears), dorsal humps, wide mouths, an undulating swimming motion, toleration of cold water, neck flexibility in the vertical plane, and toleration of changes in environmental salinity relating to fresh or salt water indicate to me that these animals are mammals, and I have thus chosen to compare the photographs of these alleged unknown long-necked animals in this article to mammal anatomy. I specifically compared this data to anatomy of sea lions, as reports and evidence suggests that these animals are most likely long-necked pinnipeds which are of the family Otariidae. However, I have also included a comparison with a drawing depicting a short necked "sea serpent" and have found it to also be similar to the anatomy of a species of marine mammal (Basilosaurus cetoides).

Read on...

Loch Ness Monster sighted in Australian bushland? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

 I was out at work when I noticed something stirring in the bushes. I quickly reached into my pants and grabbed my mobile telephone. I took this quick snap before exiting the vehicle and investigating. By the time I entered the bushes, it was long gone. Could this be the fabled Loch Ness Monster? If so, he could be anywhere. He could even be in your backyard.

 JD: Emu? Or cardboard cut out?


Prudence wandered around the house in a daze yesterday for most of the day. I have never seen a dog look so blitzed since a dog of my acquaintance accidentally ate a couple of pieces of ummmmmmm herbal fudge, about twenty years ago. Poor dear. However, this morning she is back to normal. I feel so sorry for her: not only is she going to have an operation on Monday, but she will be confined to the kitchen for six weeks as she won't be allowed on the sofa or chairs in case the climb destroys her recovering ligaments. Post operative recuperation is nasty enough for humans who understand what is going on, but for an (admittedly not very clever) dog, who is trusting and affectionate and wants nothing more than cuddles and fussing, it must be horrid. Poor dear.
Graham and Dave B-P returned home after a whole day spent doing electrical and plumbing stuff in Exeter. All things being equal, Matthew and Emma O will be moving into my house in Exeter in July. This carries on the noble tradition of it being occupied by the CFZ family...
The Gonzo Track of the Day is from Dave Bainbridge. Expect a feature and interview with him sooner than soon:
Another visit to our old friend Thom the World Poet:
In which I subvert a scientific poster for the amusement of Mick Farren:
...and whilst on the subject of Mick Farren, check him out at Rock's Back Pages
Gonzo Web Radio has a monumentally groovy new feature - introducing 'Strange Fruit':
*  The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...

*  The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link:
* We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!

*  Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 53 who - together with his orange cat (who is currently on sick leave in Staffordshire) puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish, and sometimes a small Indian frog. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the orange cat?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

CRYPTOLINK: Dead Bigfoot Rumors Or Just Bigbear Footprints?

A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.
Did someone shoot and kill a Bigfoot in Pennsylvania and then call 911 to say he had proof of the yet-to-be-proven creature?
After confusing reports over the past couple of weeks, it appears this was a case of a story that became mired in rumor and fiction.
Back on May 14, John Winesickle, a resident of Paint Township in Pennsylvania's Somerset County, called 911, claiming to have proof of Bigfoot, according to WTAJ News.
Excerpt from the 911 call:
DISPATCHER: "He wants a police officer to come to his residence. He apparently has proof there of Bigfoot."
OFFICER: "Bigfoot, right?"
DISPATCHER: "That's affirmative. He has evidence proving Bigfoot."
Winesickle showed some footprints to an investigating officer, who concluded the tracks had been made by a bear (see print image below).
When WTAJ suggested they were bear prints to Winesickle, he adamantly refused to believe it.


The hunt for British Big Cats attracts far more newspaper-column inches than any other cryptozoological subject. There are so many of them now that we feel that they should be archived by us in some way, so we should have a go at publishing a regular round-up of the stories as they come in. In September 2012 Emma Osborne decided that the Mystery Cat Study Group really deserved a blog of its own within the CFZ Blog Network.

  • MPORTANT NEWS: Grumpy cat gets rubbed out
  • NEWSLINK: Bonnin on the trail of Snow Tiger
  • NEWSLINK: Another big cat found dead within a week...
  • USA SIGHTINGS: Cougar warnings for Coquitlam
  • NEWSLINK: Forest officials seize tiger pelt, big c...
  • NEWSLINK: Confessions of a big game smuggler
  • NEWSLINK: Zoo worker seriously injured after being...
  • NEWSLINK: Big cats and dogs: Pictures of dachshund...
  • NEWSLINK: Big cats are big cash
  • NEWSLINK: Scottish Wildcats Are Interbreeding Them...
  • NEWSLINK: Camera trap footage captures rare Javan ...

    In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out of place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. So after about six months of regular postings on the main bloggo Corinna took the plunge and started a 'Watcher of the Skies' blog of her own as part of the CFZ Bloggo Network.

    Incredible pipe cleaner thylacine and other animals

    Artist Lauren Ryan creates incredible animal sculptures entirely from pipe cleaners. My favorite is her palm-sized thylacine, a Tasmanian "tiger." The last confirmed thylacine died in 1936 but some crytpozoologists think they may not be extinct after all.Lauren Ryan's "Chenille Stems" (via The Anomalist)

    DALE DRINNON: Plesiosaur survival, Benny's Blogs

    Past 1 AM and running WAY too late. Blogger has been really wicked tonight. Nonetheless, here are tonight's links to go out for tomorrow:
    PARTS of the FOZ entry have been run on my blog and Tyler Stone's blog before, but this is the larger part of it (Leaving some of the documentation out to save space) When I ran it before, Blogger would not let me add any illustrations, and I was fighting it all the way this time not to have a repeat of the same problem.
    Best Wishes, Dale D.


    Prudence went to the vet this morning for her x-ray, and it as we feared. She will indeed be having major orthopaedic surgery on Monday, and will then have to rest for six weeks. Poor little thing. Never mind, worse things happen at sea - one might get eaten by a giant squid.
    Adrian Belew talks about the difficulties in recreating some of King Crimson's finest moments
    *  The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...

    *  The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link:
    * We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!

    *  Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 53 who - together with his orange cat (who is currently on sick leave in Staffordshire) puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish, and sometimes a small Indian frog. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the orange cat?

    Wednesday, May 29, 2013


    Within the US and the UK, there are longstanding traditions of sightings of so-called “wild men.” No, we’re not talking about Bigfoot or the Yeti, but something more along the lines of primitive humans. And many of the cases seem to have distinct paranormal overtones to them, too. 

    The respected authority on prehistory, R.C.C. Clay, had just such an encounter while driving at Bottlebush Down, Dorset, England - an area strewn with old earthworks - during the winter of 1924. 

    The story, however, did not surface until 1956, when Clay shared the details with an authority on all things ghostly and spectral, James Wentworth Day, who penned such titles as Here are Ghosts and WitchesA Ghost Hunter’s Game BookIn Search of Ghosts and They Walk the Wild Places.

    The location of the extraordinary event that Clay related to a captivated and enthralled Day was the A3081 road, between the Dorset villages of Cranborne and Sixpenny Handley, on farmland known locally as Bottlebush Down. 

    It was while Clay was driving home, after spending a day excavating in the area, and as the daylight was giving way to the magical, twilight hours, that he encountered something extraordinary. Maybe even beyondextraordinary.


    In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out of place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. So after about six months of regular postings on the main bloggo Corinna took the plunge and started a 'Watcher of the Skies' blog of her own as part of the CFZ Bloggo Network.


    In his Eclectarium, Karl Shuker reveals a remarkable bird-related incident from his family's history.


    Yesterday was a weird one even my my standards! I used to have a Roger Waters bootleg in which he described his then-current stage show as an 'emotional rollercoaster'. Well I cannot remember much about the rest of the show because I lent it to someone who shall remain nameless over twenty years ago, and never got it back, but the phrase still lurks in my cerebral cortex...and yesterday WAS an emotional rollercoaster.
    To recap: we started the day with no car, (and Graham's car being o/s as well) and with Prudence the dog facing over a grand's worth of surgery. Helen (Gawd bless her) took Corinna and Prudence to the vet in Bradworthy in the morning. It appears that she may not have broken the ligament after all, and may just have arthritis. She has some medicine, and is going back to the vet for an x-ray on Thursday. Then the garage (which is run by Helen's brother and sister-in-law) rang. The car was fixed! I was convinced that I was going to have to fork out for a new car (I had set my heart on a Mercedes) but now I don't. Not yet, anyway.
    Then this morning, the RAC arrived to tow Graham's car into Bideford to get the clutch fixed. And guess what? Despite the fact that it has not worked for three weeks (up to and including yesterday) it works fine now. Emotional rollercoaster? I should coco. And on top of this, Rod Stewart - totally out of the blue - has made a classic album as good as the ones he did in the early 1970s, before he became an embarrassing pantomime version of himself. Good to have you back dude.
    *  The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...

    *  The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link:
    * We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!

    *  Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 53 who - together with his orange cat (who is currently on sick leave in Staffordshire) puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish, and sometimes a small Indian frog. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the orange cat?

    Tuesday, May 28, 2013


    In an article for the first edition of Cryptozoology Bernard Heuvelmans wrote that cryptozoology is the study of 'unexpected animals' and following on from that perfectly reasonable assertion, it seems to us that whereas the study of out of place birds may not have the glamour of the hunt for bigfoot or lake monsters, it is still a perfectly valid area for the Fortean zoologist to be interested in. So after about six months of regular postings on the main bloggo Corinna took the plunge and started a 'Watcher of the Skies' blog of her own as part of the CFZ Bloggo Network.


    Dave B-P and I got home early yesterday evening. We had a smashing time in Brighton; Mick Farren is a lovely bloke and the band were all delightful. We came back with a load of video interviews and the whole concert filmed on two cameras. Because I couldn't resist it, I did a rough cut of Dave's and my favourite song which is posted today, and other bits and bobs will be posted over the next few days. Expect a Deviants front cover for next week's Gonzo Weekly.
    Helen is giving Prudence and Corinna lift to the vet, so hopefully I will have some better news soon about Pru's leg. We still have no car: I am expecting to be told tomorrow that the Daihatsu is completely kaput, and so the search for a replacement vehicle will begin in earnest.
    A magnificent hometown performance from Barbara Dickson
    The Deviants loot the supermarket whilst Dave and Jon film the whole thing
    *  The Gonzo Daily is a two way process. If you have any news or want to write for us, please contact me at If you are an artist and want to showcase your work, or even just say hello please write to me at Please copy, paste and spread the word about this magazine as widely as possible. We need people to read us in order to grow, and as soon as it is viable we shall be invading more traditional magaziney areas. Join in the fun, spread the word, and maybe if we all chant loud enough we CAN stop it raining. See you tomorrow...

    *  The Gonzo Daily is - as the name implies - a daily online magazine (mostly) about artists connected to the Gonzo Multimedia group of companies. But it also has other stuff as and when the editor feels like it. The same team also do a weekly newsletter called - imaginatively - The Gonzo Weekly. Find out about it at this link:
    * We should probably mention here, that some of our posts are links to things we have found on the internet that we think are of interest. We are not responsible for spelling or factual errors in other people's websites. Honest guv!

    *  Jon Downes, the Editor of all these ventures (and several others) is an old hippy of 53 who - together with his orange cat (who is currently on sick leave in Staffordshire) puts it all together from a converted potato shed in a tumbledown cottage deep in rural Devon which he shares with various fish, and sometimes a small Indian frog. He is ably assisted by his lovely wife Corinna, his bulldog/boxer Prudence, his elderly mother-in-law, and a motley collection of social malcontents. Plus.. did we mention the orange cat?

    CRYPTOLINK: The 6 Most Endangered Feline Species

    A word about cryptolinks: we are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.

    Poaching, habitat loss, inbreeding and hybridization. These are just a few of the threats faced by many wild feline species around the globe. Here are six of the world’s most endangered feline species and subspecies—some of which may not survive into the next century.

    Read on.../


    The hunt for British Big Cats attracts far more newspaper-column inches than any other cryptozoological subject. There are so many of them now that we feel that they should be archived by us in some way, so we should have a go at publishing a regular round-up of the stories as they come in. In September 2012 Emma Osborne decided that the Mystery Cat Study Group really deserved a blog of its own within the CFZ Blog Network.

  • NEWSLINK: Fearless cougar stalks house pets
  • USA SIGHTINGS: Are Cougars on the Prowl Here?
  • NEWSLINK: Big cat's huge hairball
  • FEATURELINK: Why are Britons seeing large, muscula...
  • NEWSLINK: Norton Priory asks families to take part...
  • USA SIGHTING: Big cat attacks, kills dogs in fence...
  • ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

    News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

    From Nick Redfern's World of Whatever:
    • Peter Cushing - 100! — Marking the centenary of the star of The Abominable Snowman and many other Fortean films...

    Monday, May 27, 2013

    RICHARD FREEMAN ASKS: Will global warming doom mankind when the leviathan is free? JON ANSWERS: No!

    Loch Ness Monster Discovered - In Antarctica?

    Global mapping platforms like Google Earth, WikiSky and other contenders offer hours, even days of amusement. Some pretty freaky things have been found, including dead bodies, criminal activity, UFOs and even, ahem, couples enjoying intimate moments together.

    Anomaly hunters pore over published maps, looking for weird things and, naturally, some of the attention is drawn to myths out of the pre-digital world. Is there a bigger, unsolved mystery than the Loch Ness Monster?

    Mappers have studied Loch Ness inch by inch because finding "Nessie" would be the scoop of the century. But, maybe, they're looking in the wrong place?

    A video on YouTube comes close to making the assertion that the Loch Ness Monster has been found. Not in Scotland, but near the bottom of the globe in Antarctica.

    The screenshot above is a still frame from a YouTube video postulating that a mysterious, long-necked, hump-backed shape lying frozen in a vast expanse of the South Pole may actually be a fossilized Plesiosaurus, an extinct, reptilian dinosaur long suspected of having just one descendant left on Earth and plying her trade in the deep lakes of Scotland.

    NATURAL WORLD: underwater photos show array of sea-life

    Indonesian snapper Hengki Koentjoro's underwater photographs show an array of sea-life like as it's never been seen before.

    He has pictured sharks, jellyfish, scuba divers and, perhaps most strikingly, a hard coral called the 'sunflower mushroom' which appears to be sporting a sinister grin.

    Interestingly, he's chosen to use black-and-white film for the study.

    Read on...


    Graham's occupying the blog-seat today, while Jon's on his travels...

    ...and the traditional Bank Holiday rain has arrived. So it's going to be an indoors day for me, today.
    Blog work's an indoors task, and today's Gonzo items are:

    The Gonzo Track of the Day - an oldie from Fairport Convention (with Judy Dyble)

    Another visit to our old friend Thom the World Poet

    Album review: solo shape-shifting from Cristiano Roversi...

    A somewhat belated look at an interview with Erik Norlander

    Daevid Allen - Magick Brothers, Birkenhead, 2013

    Renaissance Carries On After Loss Of Lead Guitarist

    That's all for now

    NICK REDFERN: Crop Circles and Official Secrets

    In early 1941, Sir David Petrie was appointed Director General of the Security Service. MI5, and was given substantial resources to restructure the organization, whose origins date back to 1909. As a result, MI5 became one of the most efficient agencies of the War. After the defeat of the Nazis in 1945, it was learned that all of the Nazi agents targeted against Britain had been successfully identified, and in some cases recruited as double-agents, by MI5 – something that contributed to the success of the Allied Forces landing in Normandy on D-Day on 6 June 1944. 
    A number of files pertaining to the wartime activities of MI5 have been declassified and are now available for public inspection at the National Archive, Kew, England. One deals with MI5 investigations of what are intriguingly described as “markings on the ground.” With hindsight, today, those markings may have been nothing less than Crop Circles!
    According to the report: “This account is not concerned with the activities of fifth columnists such as sabotage, capturing airfields and key points, and harassing the defending army, but in the methods used in communicating to each other and to the enemy. Reports from Poland, Holland, France and Belgium showed that they used ground markings for the guidance of bombers and paratroops (and of lights by night).”

    OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

    Yesterday’s News Today

    On this day in 1986 Dragon Quest was released in Japan, it is thought of as the first true turn-based JRPG.

    And now the news:

  • Over 80% of Dogs Suffer from Hypothermia After Sur...
  • Tortuga Rising- A conservation success story - via...
  • British landfill transformed into nature reserve
  • Cumbria Tiger attack: Sarah McClay dies of her inj...
  • Coal ash heaps safe haven for endangered bees: stu...

  • The first action based WRPG was Adventure for the 2600 in 1979 and it also contained the first Easter Egg (this link contains spoilers btw):