Monday, August 13, 2012

Sea Shepherd Addresses the Impact Of Interpol ‘Red Notice’ On Captain Watson and the Organization’s Operations

Paul Watson with his lawyer in GermanyPaul Watson with his lawyer in GermanyAfter much speculation and misinformation about the impact of the recently announced ‘Red Notice’ issued by Interpol for Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society who was arrested at Frankfurt airport on May 13th and held in Germany for 70 days until his departure on or around July 22nd, Sea Shepherd is setting the record straight. Using information posted to its website as provided in a letter from Captain Watson’s lead legal counsel in Germany, Oliver Wallasch, Sea Shepherd addresses the speculation head-on with the legal facts of this case. Click the thumbnail to read the entire unedited letter.

Read on...

ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

From Nick Redfern's World of Whatever:
From CFZ Australia:


And so the busiest week of my year continues. Yesterday I spent several hours filming Graham in a rubber mask cavorting about the countryside with a small girl in a cute sheep costume. Truly I suffer for my art...

Today we have some tour dates for the lovely Annie Haslam and the reformed Rennaisance. In addition to their tour plans they’re celebrating this new era with a live album and dvd Turn of the Cards and Scheherazade and Other Stories Live 2011, and are in the middle of writing and recording a new studio album.

"Chris Thompson's majestic and soulful vocals have been entertaining classic rock fans now for almost four decades, and thankfully he's showing no sign of slowing down anytime soon." So begins a smashing interview to which I am very grateful to be able to link...

"What! An interview with Michael Des Barres?" I hear you shout. Yes, its true. Not only have I managed to unearth an interview with the manic Marquis, but it is a cracker. I know that I have said it before, but I admire Michael very much, not least because he always manages to make interviews interesting. That reminds me. As soon as I have got the Weird Weekend over I shall give him a ring...

Although most of what I write on these pages is to do with artists who are recording on Gonzo Multimedia, I occasionally stray. Today Howard Wuefling sent me this story about Stephen Kalinich, one of the more eminent movers and shakers of the more interesting end of the rock and roll spectrum for the past few decades. I couldn't resist posting it...

Here is more stuff about Rick Wakeman's forthcoming tour of New Zealand. I still live in hope that Rob Ayling will relent and send me a brace of first class tickets so I can fly out there, watch the gigs, and try and catch some New Zealand giant earwigs before I return..

And finally, we have another visit to Thom the World Poet:

The eagle eyed amongst you will probably have noticed that my comments are shorter than usual. This is because we are only a few days away from the Weird Weekend We shall be posting as normal, but the posts are likely to be a little bit more perfunctory than usual this week. If you want to know what all the fuss is about - there are still tickets available, and we would love to see you. Only £25 for the best Fortean Fun you can have with your clothes on. And there's free cake!


OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1913 a German acrobat named Otto Witte claimed to have been crowned king of Albania. According to Witte he impersonated the preferred candidate for the kingship of the newly independent country and was crowned by Albanian troops and enjoyed the use of a royal harem for almost a week before his ruse was discovered and he fled the country. Witte's claim, although believed to be true for many years is now thought to have been bogus as the lad had a habit of telling tall stories like this (you can see more on his wikipedia page: ).

And now the news:

Talking about acrobats here's a good trick if you can pull it off:

WW2012: Administrative notices

I have just had a telephone call from the lady who runs Southdown B&B in Clovelly. She has been away and therefore missed several calls from people wanting to book for the WW. She has two rooms left if anyone is interested. Her contact details are:

1 Southdown Cottages, Higher Clovelly, Bideford, Devon EX39 5SA
Tel: 01237 431504

I also wanted to warn you all that we are more shorthanded than usual this year, so most of the blog will be posted in advance. If you are sending blog posts in, be aware that they may not be posted as quickly as you might wish.

Normal service will be resumed early next week...

DALE DRINNON: Sasquatch hand/Cedar & Willow/Benny's blog

New at Frontiers of Zoology:
New on Cedar and Willow, part 2 of the Princess Aura series, two more to follow. Today taking up the suggestion that Princess Aura of Mongo is the same as Princess Dejah Thoris, made by a Facebook Friend:

Two new entries on Cedar and Willow continuing the Princess Aura/Dejah Thoris Theme:

New on Benny's Thelma Todd blog, only this one is for comedienne Dorothy Appleby, who worked with both Buster Keaton and the Three Stooges at Columbia: