Friday, June 08, 2012

ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

From Nick Redfern's World of Whatever:
From CFZ Australia:
From CFZ Canada:


And so its saturday again. Goodness knows where another week has gone.

However, not to worry, because today we have a superlative collection of odds and sods for you, starting off with part two of our exclusive intervew with ex-Van Der Graaf Generator dude, and now songstory composer Judge Smith:

We have a link to an interesting review of Rick Wakeman's new live album:

Mimi Page is a busy lass. Today we link to a suitably spooky piece of film music that she has written:

There is more news of Erik Norlander's two new multimedia packages out through Gonzo:

After weeks of anticipation we are now able to reveal Michael Des Barres' new website:

We have the details of the new Captain Beefheart DVD in the Lost Broadcasts series:

And finally, yours truly posing stupidly with the contents of his latest postbag:

Who could ask for anything more?

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 2001 'Atlantis: The Lost Empire' was first released to cinemas. Although it didn't set the box office on fire on it's release as it was competing with Shrek and Tomb Raider which had had much more spent on their marketing, A:TLE is considered a cult classic and one of the greatest ever animated films of all time by critics. Unusually for Disney films it was not aimed at young children, contained no show tunes or comic talking animals/crockery. What it did contain were a steam punk setting, a Jules Verne inspired plot, artwork based on designs by Mike “Hellboy” Mignola, a script part written by Buffy the Vampire Slayer's creator Joss Whedon and plot elements inspired by the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce. If you haven't seen it yet I assure you that the film is as awesome as my last sentence makes it sound and this really was a high-watermark in Western Animation.

And now the news:

The trailer for A:TLE:

CFZ CANADA: Bigfoot from the bottom up Part Seven

So much research (mine included) is based in the assumption that Bigfoot is immediately related to primates. Until we have some sort of evidence to the contrary, because of the reported behavior and physical description it would seem logical to continue that path. Inlight of that, this last entry on researching Bigfoot From the Bottom Up discusses the Bigfoot brain.

Read on...



1. Haunted Skies Volume Four by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (1)
2. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (4)
3. Haunted Skies Volume One by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway (6)
4. Green Unpleasant Land by Richard Freeman (-)
5=. Weird Waters by Lars Thomas (-)
5=. Tetrapod Zoology Book One by Darren Naish (-)
7. The Inhumanoids by Barton Nunnelly (-)
8=. Dark Dorset by Mark North and Robert Newland (6)
8=. The Grail by Ronan Coghlan (-)
10. The Police and the Paranormal by Andy Owens (-)


1. When Bigfoot Attacks by Michael Newton (1)
2. The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia by Richard Freeman (1)
3. Left Behind by Harriet Wadham (6)
4=. Snap by Steven Bredice (2)
4=. Monster! by Neil Arnold (-)
5. Orang-pendek: Sumatra's forgotten ape by Richard Freeman (10)
6=. Green Unpleasant Land by Richard Freeman (-)
6=. Weird Waters by Lars Thomas (-)
8=. The Inhumanoids by Barton Nunnelly (4)
8=. Man Monkey by Nick Redfern (-)
8=. The Owlman and Others by Jonathan Downes (-)

Last month's positions in this pinky colour, which I think is called cerise. Sales are back to normal, but check out all the hard work Emsy has put in on the Facebook Group. Thank you honey..