LINK: Is this the first Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2012?

Has Nessie come out of hibernation at last? From Gary Campbell:

A local man travelling south on the A82 road at 5.15pm on Wednesday 4th April reported seeing a circular whirlpool like disturbance on the otherwise flat calm loch. The disturbance was near the middle of the loch just south of Urquhart Castle. He said it was similar to the disturbance that is caused at sea by bait fish being forced to the surface by larger predators. There was no boat traffic in the area at all.

Just in time for Monster Hunting Season! I await further information on this particular event.

Read on...

DALE DRINNON: Monster fish of Great Bear Lake/Benny's Blog

New at the Frontiers of Zoology:

And Benny's Blog has an article about some publicity from Hal Roach studios:

I have received a tenative deal concerning publication of some of the material on Cedar and Willow. I have been asked to stop putting new entries on that blog while the matter is under considertion. For that reason (which has been in the air all last week), the Cedar and Willow blog is going on hiatus.

Best Wishes, Dale D.


The Gonzo Blog rises afresh to greet another day.

We have lotsa goodies for you, starting with Michael Des Barres in Japan with the reformed Silverhead:

The story of how Rick Wakeman turned down the chance to tinkle the ivories for David Bowie:

A press cutting about Martin Stephenson:

Two links to Wally stories on the web:

And last, but by no means least, a link to a jolly good Merrell Fankhauser review:

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1897 the Aurora UFO incident was reported to have occurred in Aurora, Texas, USA. I really can't do this justice in a short little blog like this (and if I wrote anything longer odds on Nessie would show up on the banks of Loch Ness dancing a hornpipe at mid-day and this blog would be pushed onto page two where nobody would see it anyway) so you should take a look at the wikipedia page to learn more about this (no really you should, it is very interesting).

And now the news:

Killer stray dogs put Bulgaria on edge
Think you know the bessst place to see snakes? Thi...
British family shocked after pet hamster comes bac...
Turtle Species Get New York Rescue – via Herp Dige...
European Dung-Fly Females All Aflutter for Large M...
Lawsuit Filed to Speed Recovery of Endangered Cali...
Wildlife bridges playing important role for Canada...
Athletic Frogs Have Faster-Changing Genomes
Aging Male Giraffes Go Black, Not Gray
Traffic Harms Asturian Amphibians
Caterpillars More Likely to Vomit Alone
Emperor Penguin Numbers Double Previous Estimates,...

This is the fate that awaits aliens that might crash land on earth these days:

ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

From CFZ Australia:
From CFZ Canada:

KARL SHUKER: Sea Snail with Antlers and Paws

Just when you think that the world, particularly the cryptozoological world, couldn't possibly get any stranger...Roll up, roll up, ladies and gentlemen – I am proud to present before you, all the way from the Sarmatian Sea, the one and only giant monster sea snail with antlers, and paws!

Read on...

CORINNA DOWNES: The Buxton Mermaid - for BBC news story and pics of Buxton Mermaid

Also history mag:
Origins of the Buxton Mermaid under investigation
A team of researchers from the University of Lincoln is conducting tests to determine the origins of the Buxton Mermaid.The mermaid, an exhibit at the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, looks to be an example of the creatures that fishermen in Japan and the Far East made and then sold to supplement their income. Exhibits of this sort were hugely popular at London side-shows in the mid-19th century.

The team has already completed some tests on the mermaid, and believe that until 1982 it was twinned with a merman at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, in London. They have also concluded that the mermaid’s hair is human, while the upper body is layered upon a structure of wood and wire. The teeth are carved bone while the eyes are mollusc shells, although the composition of the torso is yet to be determined. Monkey, often used in these cases, has been ruled out. The mermaid will be reunited with her mer-mate for an exhibition at the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery from 19 March–13 May 2012.