Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Helicopters, aircraft carrier to save island’s unique wildlife?

A ground-breaking £1.5 million RSPB project to eliminate introduced rats from an uninhabited island in the central Pacific has attempted to remove the fingerprints of man from an otherwise idyllic tropical paradise. As a bonus, the project has also increased the known size of the UK's overseas territories by six square kilometres.

Henderson Island, one of the UK's most remote territories and a World Heritage Site, has been ravaged by Pacific Rats, introduced by the Polynesians eight centuries ago...

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Henderson Island on Wikipedia)

Chick photos renew hope for endangered Caribbean seabird

Black-capped Petrel chick—a little ball of gray fluff that was discovered at its nest inside a mountaintop cave. The finding helps answer questions about this secretive species’ life cycle.

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OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1930 Buzz Aldrin, the second man to set foot on the moon, was born.
And now the news:

Aldrin gets really annoyed when people mention the conspiracy theory that the lunar landings were filmed on Earth and that America never went to the moon. It begs the question where the heck all the moon rocks found in museums comes from if they didn’t go but here is a video that sums up the conspiracy theory (it conveniently ignores the moon rocks though):

DALE DRINNON: New at the Frontiers of Anthropology

New article about DNA testing of coconuts on Frontiers of Anthropology:

Best Wishes, Dale D.

P.S. another article on California Monsters is on the way, too.