Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CFZ PEOPLE: Olivia McCarthy

Many happy returns to my darling younger stepdaughter Olivia. Happy Birthday honeypie...

...and Mama says

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1761 Marie, aka ‘Madame’ Tussaud was born. Tussaud started out by casting heads using deathmasks from those executed in the French revolution but eventually started making models of living subjects for her famous wax museums. Wax museums became quite popular among showmen and P.T. Barnum’s was considered to be the best example in the United States and almost as good as Tussaud’s until a fire destroyed Barnum’s American Museum and all of the waxworks, which were on the top floor, were melted.

And now the news:

Florida looks to ease alligator hunting law (Via H...Rare salamander, other species prompt state questi...EU resolution passed to help protect beesLittering and starting wild fires. All good fun?Counting snow leopards in Nepal - Fewer than thoug...Hunting A Bushy-Tailed KillerLone wolf outfoxes hunters in 1,000km quest for ma...

Talking about waxworks, here’s a classic scene from the 1959 version of ‘House of Wax’ with Vincent Price, enjoy:


I was talking to Debbie Martyr on Facebook yesterday morning about setting up Paypal accounts for Sahar's appeal when she told me this:

'A former member of the tiger team on his way to Lempur from Renah Kemumu (south of the Kerinci Valley) told me he saw something he thought was an orang-pendek. Kosher description not least the relic brachiating ..animal crossing the trail from Lempur to Renah Kemumu. (...) About two months ago.'

DALE DRINNON: Posting on Giant Tortoises just made at the Frontiers of Athropology

Newest Posting on Giant Tortoises just made at the Frontiers of Anthropology. This problem has two aspects: a cultural one and a cryptozoological one. Because of the cultural aspect I added it on the Anthropology blog, but people interested in the cryptozoological aspect should also check it out. It contains a CFZ reprint on the bottom with an updated comment to tie it in.