Sunday, October 09, 2011


My appeal for volunteers during the keynote speech at this year's Weird Weekend was answered by an enthusiastic young couple Tim and Graidi Taylor-Rose. Every other sunday they wind their way to Woolsery and do CFZstuff that has been long overdue to be done. You will be hearing a lot more from them in the very near future.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1957 a fire started in the nuclear reactors of Windscale in Cumbria. Thanks mainly due to differences in design between the UK reactors and the reactors used by the rest of the world most of the radioactive material was contained and there wasn’t a huge explosion like in Chernobyl. These days though everyone uses the more dangerous design because it’s cheaper, capitalism in action, eh.
And now the news:

Elephant causes safari park traffic jam after taki...
A New Species of 'Gigantic' Mollusc Has Been Disco...
Blue whales at risk off LA Harbor
Large Field of Dinosaur Tracks Uncovered in Southw...
111 pangolins seized on a boat off Sumatra

Close enough: