Monday, August 15, 2011

DALE DRINNON: Oriental Dragon Boats

The next Frontiers of Zoology blog posting is out on the Oriental Dragon boats this time:

And the one to follow that is already prepared, and it shall have to do with Orang Pendek.


Prudence (pictured here with Jessica trying to put a Victorian bonnet on her head) is unwell. Some weeks ago we told you that she had become lame and that the vet was hoping that her cruciate ligament would repair itself.

Well, it hasn't.

She is now very lame and will have to have an operation soon after the Weird Weekend.

Remember her in your thoughts and prayers.

CFZ PEOPLE: Ronan Coghlan

How could we have forgotten? Yesterday was Ronan's birthday....

Many Happy Returns old chap.

WEIRD WEEKEND 2011: Calling all campers

If you are intending to camp at the Community Centre, can you please come to the CFZ first and register with Graham! Give him a fiver and collect your permit....

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1938 the American blues musician Robert Johnson died at age 27. There were claims, even by Johnson himself although he might not have meant it literally, that he made a deal with the devil at a crossroads to become a great musician, and he is considered by some to be the 'founding member' of the 27 club (a reference to the seemingly large number of musicians that died at the age of 27).
And now the news:

Malaria claiming more British birds
Chimps like to help others, study finds
Brown Hairstreak butterfly recovering – Report you...
First leopard spotted on newly created wildlife re...
‘Tame’ rhino butchered in Laikipia
Increased cougar sightings in Allen Co. (via Chad ...
Shell Tries to Control North Sea Oil Leak

Time for some Tull: