Saturday, June 25, 2011

CFZ PEOPLE: Carl and Sue

Congratulations to Carl Portman (star of last year's WW) and his new fiancee Sue on their engagement.
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[Which is the one based on Tony Lucas's NZ Cryptozoologist's blog]
[Discussing a Rex Gilroy website. I have also notified RG by email I was intending to run it - he has not replied as yet]
[A slightly-delayed copy of a news item about a partial-whale-corpse "Sea Monster" washing up on a China Beach] -and-

An item on the Frontiers of Anthropology blog concerning the Younger Dryas celestial body explosion/impact and associated megafloods across the continents. Odd thing: the "Scientific community" seems to have made up its collective mind the theory has no merit because of problems with the radiocarbon dates when there is an obvious problem with the event itself affecting such dates by altering the percentage of atmospheric carbon - and because they choose to ignore KNOWN evidence of "The largest meteorite shower known in history" happening at that particular juncture.
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The other evening, just as Naomi and Richie were leaving, there was a squeal from my study. It was Naomi - she had nearly trodden on a small toad, which had come in through the open office door and then scuttled (if toads scuttle) away to hide under the big cichlid tank.

Corinna eventually rescued it and put it back into the garden.
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OLL LEWIS: Caecilians Making Love in the Afternoon

As regular readers might know, one of my duties at the CFZ is looking after our menagerie of animals. For the most part this includes my morning rounds when I check on the animals and give them their morning feeds, or daily feeds should they only require fresh food to be administered to them once a day. Typically this takes somewhere between one and two hours each day depending on just how much attention the more intelligent animals like the rabbits and the pheasant want, and the health of the animals. I’m aided in this endeavour by my assistant Helios Seven, who, like most cats, believes that if she doesn’t remind me constantly I may forget to feed her for the first time ever in the five or so years I’ve known her.

Anyway, while I was checking on the caecilian tank on Saturday I noticed something unusual lying motionless atop the gravel.

“My, that’s a big worm.” I exclaimed.
“Mew,” said Helios in reply.

On closer inspection it was not a worm. It was a baby caecilian with its yolk sack still attached. Sadly, the creature was dead; probably a still birth. This is a great shame as the gestation period for Typhlonectes natans is long, typically taking over 270 days, and in the four years that we have had them this is the first time they have successfully bred. When checking the tank I could not find any evidence of more babies but as this species usually give birth to between two and six young, I am hopeful that they will give birth to more young and that they will not be stillborn.

Even if the caecilians do not give birth to any more young this time then at least the stillborn caecilian proves that they are finally breeding. This means that in the future there should be more baby caecilians popping up in our tank, which, as they are so rare in the UK, can only be a good thing.

CFZ 'PEOPLE': Good news

Prudence went back to the vet yesterday. After having made it impossible for her to steal catfood, and cutting down on her treats, she has lost 3kg. The vet thinks that her intermittent limp is probably a cruciate ligament tear, but says that if we continue to give her anti-inflammatories and do not allow her to rush about the garden too much (she only gets over the top when there are children or John Hanson to play with) then she will hopefully recover without surgery.

She goes back in a month.
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Our thoughts and prayers are with Doug Shoop who's cat Nigel died yesterday after seventeen and a half years by his side....
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CFZ CANADA: Why Are We Not Capturing More Cryptids?
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