Thursday, March 24, 2011

GLEN VAUDREY: Trail Cameras for Sumatra Part 2

Many of you asked to see more of the CFZ fund raising mascot, Trevor the Trail Cam, and as you can see from the picture he has escaped his prison; as if a few cocktail sticks and cardboard were ever going to hold him back.

It’s less than two weeks since the launch of the CFZ Trail Cam funding campaign and I have to say the response has been very promising. Many thanks to those who have so far donated; your contributions are very welcome and much appreciated. I would like also to thank all those who have contacted me regarding the trail cam plans; again many thanks for your interest. Don’t despair if you haven’t yet donated, or if you wish to contact me about the trail cams; the campaign still has many more weeks to run.

Just to recap: to sponsor a trail cam will cost £100. If that seems a little steep why not get a group together to sponsor one of these trail cams? A group of five will pay just £20 each. Sponsors will get an update on any pictures and when something exciting is spotted your name will go up in lights alongside the photo.

Don’t despair if you miss out on Trevor, he has plenty of friends who also need help in breaking free.

Your sponsorship will pay for the release and upkeep of Trevor and kin, but sadly you will have no rights to take him home.

Now doesn’t that sound like a good deal? Armchair cryptozoology at its best. All the fun of an expedition without being bitten by scary tropical insects.

If you like the sound of this then please get in touch; we would love to hear from you.

For further information you can contact me at or tel 0161 777 6586.

Donations can be made via PayPal to


Dead of Night the Merseyside-based Fortean magazine, which has been an utter favourite of Richard's and mine for years, is back.....

And the even better news is that the head honcho of the magazine, Lee Walker, is doing a book for CFZ Press. Things are looking up....

DOUG SHOOP: Bear Migration

Minnesota black bears are on the move in northwest Minnesota. Bears are expanding their range out of forested areas, into farmland. Researchers are trying to learn more about how and why these bears are adapting to a new habitat where bears traditionally did not live.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1911 Jack Ruby was born. Ruby became embroiled in the events and conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy when he murdered the only suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald.

And now, the news:

Official yeti probe planned after recent sightings...
Siberia plans 'institute to study yetis'
Bigfoot Hoaxers Not Even Trying Anymore

More of the same as the last story: