Monday, August 23, 2010


Earlier this year I bemoaned the fact that I hadn't seen a peacock butterfly in years. Then this morning as I staggered downstairs demanding lemsip and trying not to let the dog trip me up, I saw something flapping against the window panes of the office. Guess what!

In my cold-befuddled state, I didn't think of taking a photograph as I netted it and released it into the garden, so this one taken by Mark North at the WW will have to do.


A strange yokai that looks like an animated lump of flesh with a tiny face, hands and legs growing from it. Imagine Humpty-Dumpty if he had been created by Hammer Studios! They were made by monks from rotting human flesh. They protect sacred places by sucking in and absorbing the flesh of evil people. They are harmless to those who have no ill intent towards the sacred area but they stick to high hell!

A priest decided to stay at a ruined temple on the way to his destination as it had become dark. At midnight he was aroused by the sound of a big noise and could smell something terrible - like the smell of a dead body. He opened the sliding paper door of the room, and saw a chunk of dead flesh walking in the corridor.


Oliver is away for a few days with his girlfriend in Plymouth, so for the next few days Corinna and I will take over this part of his duties. We actually forgot all bout it, so I am typing this, sitting up in bed at about half past one in the morning with a defective keyboard that won't type the letter A, which means that each time it occurs in a word it has to be inserted manually. I have done more tedious things in my life but not many....

Baboon on the loose? Girl starts false frenzy
Spain anti-bullfighting groups protest in Bilbao
Pig wrestling canceled after porkers elude capture
Government cuts ‘threaten wildlife’
Couple return from honeymoon to find python in bathroom
Dorset skipper nets a whopper from Mediterranean



I reckon that the Spanish story is all a load of bull....

See: Its' not all that hard!

THANK YOU... everybody who was so kind, and posted birthday greetings yesterday, either by email, on the blog or on Facebook. I am completely overwhelmed.

Thank you to everyone who telephoned. I feel very bad that I still can't talk properly because of this bloody cold, and I want to apologise particularly to dear Lizzy who was greeted by a barrage of wheezing and spluttering noises.

It makes me feel very loved and very appreciated.

Thank you all of you :)