Friday, June 11, 2010

CFZ ARCHIVING PROJECT: General Forteana Part 13

As you know, Oll has been working on the archiving project since early February 2009 and he is now working on a general mish-mash of a section known as `General Forteana`. This thirteenth collection really is a general mishmash of completely uncategoriseable stuff, including a tombstone that glows in the dark and an attack by a pike. It doesn't get much better than this. Good stuff.



Hummingbird, or hawk moth? I must be getting old. My eyesight really isn't what it used to be....

RICHARD FREEMAN: The Monsters of Prague #18

The Flaming Turkey

There was once a mill owner on Kampa Island who loved to eat. His favourate food was turkey. He had fattened up three of these birds for Easter. Whilst he was fasting on Good Friday he was overcome with hunger and his will broke. He ate a whole turkey to himself. Soon after, he died of a gall-bladder infection.

From the day of his death his spirit returned to the mill in the form of a huge turkey wreathed in flames. The bullets of hunters could not stop it and it chased off the guard dogs. A priest tried to exorsise the bird but was chased off with his cassock in flames. It is still supposed to appear on the island on Good Friday.

CFZ PEOPLE: Mark Bushell

Some good news for once. Sarah Darwin writes to tell us that Mark has been made Assistant Curator of Invertebrates at Bristol Zoo. Well done, mate....


Hi there,

Being a talented and avid writer who has covered the BP Oil Spill on the Gulf of Mexico, you would have no doubt come into contact with a great deal of negativity with regards to the outcome of the disruption. We thought that this infographic may be of some interest to you, ( The infographic shows a timeline of the events that unfolded.

We believe sharing this with your readership would add benefit to your own audience so a link on your site, a tweet (or equivalent) would be appreciated.

Kind regards,


OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1978 David Berkowitz a.k.a. ‘the son of Sam’ and the ‘.44 calibre killer’ was sentenced to 365 years in prison for 6 murders. Berkowitz claims to have killed upon orders from a dog that was possessed by a demon. Although initially it was thought he worked alone, the case has since been re-opened as police search for possible accomplices.
And now, the news:

Rare harriers alter works on Weymouth Relief Road
Anger as penguins and monkeys visit Kingland House...
CATFORD: Elderly dancer reveals crow attack horror...

Q: What is a bird's favourite musical group?
A: ‘Crow’-ded House.