Monday, May 24, 2010

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 785AD the Venerable Bede died. Bede wrote one of the earliest and most quoted books on early British and English history, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. There is nothing particularly unusual or strange about that, but the guy certainly deserves a mention for being the first chap to really research the history of Britain; without his efforts many of the accounts and documents he used in his study could have been lost forever by the present day and our understanding of history would be poorer because of it. The same can be said of Forteana and cryptozoology: if nobody goes out and collects witness statements or even folklore about strange happenings or unusual animals, when the original witness dies who is going to know their story? Even if that story is an embellishment of the facts or an outright tall tale it is often still worth hearing.

And now, the news:

Blue tits set up home in ashtray
Bigfoot Evidence in Minnesota
Psychic joins search for missing cat in Lincolnshire
Get your trunks out!
Surf's pup!
Down on the farm
Mammoth 'heating gas'

Bet they created a mammoth stench….

(I’m running out of puns if I have to resort to fart jokes…)